International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Carmit Hazay

ORCID: 0000-0002-8951-5099


Toward Malicious Constant-Rate 2PC via Arithmetic Garbling
Carmit Hazay Yibin Yang
A recent work by Ball, Li, Lin, and Liu [Eurocrypt’23] presented a new instantiation of the arithmetic garbling paradigm introduced by Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz [FOCS’11]. In particular, Ball et al.'s garbling scheme is the first constant-rate garbled circuit over large enough bounded integer computations, inferring the first constant-round constant-rate secure two-party computation (2PC) over bounded integer computations in the presence of semi-honest adversaries. The main source of difficulty in lifting the security of garbling schemes-based protocols to the malicious setting lies in proving the correctness of the underlying garbling scheme. In this work, we analyze the security of Ball et al.’s scheme in the presence of malicious attacks. – We demonstrate an overflow attack, which is inevitable in this computational model, even if the garbled circuit is fully correct. Our attack follows by defining an adversary, corrupting either the garbler or the evaluator, that chooses a bad input and causes the computation to overflow, thus leaking information about the honest party’s input. By utilizing overflow attacks, we show that 1-bit leakage is necessary for achieving security against a malicious garbler, discarding the possibility of achieving full malicious security in this model. We further demonstrate a wider range of overflow attacks against a malicious evaluator with more than 1 bit of leakage. – We boost the security level of Ball et al.’s scheme by utilizing two variants of Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation, denoted by VOLEc and aVOLE. We present the first constant-round constant-rate 2PC protocol over bounded integer computations, in the presence of a malicious garbler with 1-bit leakage and a semi-honest evaluator, in the {VOLEc,aVOLE}-hybrid model and being black-box in the underlying group and ring. Compared to the semi-honest variant, our protocol incurs only a constant factor overhead, both in computation and communication. The constant-round and constant-rate properties hold even in the plain model.
Malicious Security for SCALES: Outsourced Computation with Ephemeral Servers
SCALES (Small Clients And Larger Ephemeral Servers) model is a recently proposed model for MPC (Acharya et al., TCC 2022). While the SCALES model offers several attractive features for practical large-scale MPC, the result of Acharya et al. only offered semi-honest secure protocols in this model. We present a new efficient SCALES protocol secure against malicious adversaries, for general Boolean circuits. We start with the base construction of Acharya et al. and design and use a suite of carefully defined building blocks that may be of independent interest. The resulting protocol is UC-secure without honest majority, with a CRS and bulletin-board as setups, and allows publicly identifying deviations from correct execution.
The Price of Active Security in Cryptographic Protocols
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>We construct the first actively-secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols with an <jats:italic>arbitrary</jats:italic> number of parties in the dishonest majority setting, for an <jats:italic>arbitrary</jats:italic> field <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${\mathbb {F}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>F</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> with <jats:italic>constant communication overhead</jats:italic> over the “passive-GMW” protocol (Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson, STOC ‘87). Our protocols rely on passive implementations of Oblivious Transfer (OT) in the Boolean setting and Oblivious Linear function Evaluation (OLE) in the arithmetic setting. Previously, such protocols were only known over sufficiently large fields (Genkin et al. STOC ‘14) or a constant number of parties (Ishai et al. CRYPTO ‘08). Conceptually, our protocols are obtained via a new compiler from a passively-secure protocol for a distributed multiplication functionality <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_{\scriptscriptstyle \textrm{MULT}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msub> <mml:mi>F</mml:mi> <mml:mstyle> <mml:mtext>MULT</mml:mtext> </mml:mstyle> </mml:msub> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>, to an actively-secure protocol for general functionalities. Roughly, <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_{\scriptscriptstyle \textrm{MULT}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msub> <mml:mi>F</mml:mi> <mml:mstyle> <mml:mtext>MULT</mml:mtext> </mml:mstyle> </mml:msub> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> is parameterized by a linear-secret sharing scheme <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {S}}}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>S</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>, where it takes <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {S}}}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>S</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>-shares of two secrets and returns <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {S}}}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>S</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>-shares of their product. We show that our compilation is concretely efficient for sufficiently large fields, resulting in an overhead of 2 when securely computing natural circuits. Our compiler has two additional benefits: (1) It can rely on <jats:italic>any</jats:italic> passive implementation of <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_{\scriptscriptstyle \textrm{MULT}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msub> <mml:mi>F</mml:mi> <mml:mstyle> <mml:mtext>MULT</mml:mtext> </mml:mstyle> </mml:msub> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>, which, besides the standard implementation based on OT (for Boolean) and OLE (for arithmetic), allows us to rely on implementations based on threshold cryptosystems (Cramer et al. Eurocrypt ‘01), and (2) it can rely on weaker-than-passive (i.e., imperfect/leaky) implementations, which in some parameter regimes yield actively-secure protocols with overhead less than 2. Instantiating this compiler with an “honest-majority” implementation of <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_{\scriptscriptstyle \textrm{MULT}}$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msub> <mml:mi>F</mml:mi> <mml:mstyle> <mml:mtext>MULT</mml:mtext> </mml:mstyle> </mml:msub> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>, we obtain the first honest-majority protocol (with up to one-third corruptions) for Boolean circuits with constant communication overhead over the best passive protocol (Damgård and Nielsen, CRYPTO ‘07). </jats:p>
LogRobin++: Optimizing Proofs of Disjunctive Statements in VOLE-Based ZK
In the Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) of a disjunctive statement, P and V agree on B fan-in 2 circuits C_{0}, ..., C_{B−1} over a field F; each circuit has n_{in} inputs, n_{x} multiplications, and one output. P’s goal is to demonstrate the knowledge of a witness (id ∈ [B], w ∈ F^{n_{in}}), s.t. C_{id}(w) = 0 where neither w nor id is revealed. Disjunctive statements are effective, for example, in implementing ZKP based on sequential execution of CPU steps. This paper studies ZKP (of knowledge) protocols over disjunctive statements based on Vector OLE. Denoting by λ the statistical security parameter and let ρ ≜ max{log|F|,λ}, the previous state-of-the-art protocol Robin (Yang et al. CCS’23) required (n_{in}+3n_{x})log|F|+O(ρB) bits of communication with O(1) rounds, and Mac′n′Cheese (Baum et al. CRYPTO’21) required (n_{in}+n_{x})log|F|+2n_{x}ρ+O(ρlogB) bits of communication with O(logB) rounds, both in the VOLE-hybrid model. Our novel protocol LogRobin++ achieves the same functionality at the cost of (n_{in}+n_{x})log|F|+O(ρlogB) bits of communication with O(1) rounds in the VOLE-hybrid model. Crucially, LogRobin++ takes advantage of two new techniques – (1) an O(logB)-overhead approach to prove in ZK that an IT-MAC commitment vector contains a zero; and (2) the realization of VOLE-based ZK over a disjunctive statement, where P commits only to w and multiplication outputs of C_{id}(w) (as opposed to prior work where P commits to w and all three wires that are associated with each multiplication gate). We implemented LogRobin++ over Boolean (i.e., F_{2}) and arithmetic (i.e., F_{2^{61}−1}) fields. In our experiments, including the cost of generating VOLE correlations, LogRobin++ achieved up to 170× optimization over Robin in communication, resulting in up to 7× (resp. 3×) wall-clock time improvements in a WAN-like (resp. LAN-like) setting.
Private Polynomial Commitments and Applications to MPC
Polynomial commitment schemes allow a prover to commit to a polynomial and later reveal the evaluation of the polynomial on an arbitrary point along with proof of validity. This object is central in the design of many cryptographic schemes such as zero-knowledge proofs and verifiable secret sharing. In the standard definition, the polynomial is known to the prover whereas the evaluation points are not private. In this paper, we put forward the notion of \emph{private polynomial commitments} that capture additional privacy guarantees, where the evaluation points are hidden from the verifier while the polynomial is hidden from both. We provide concretely efficient constructions that allow simultaneously batch the verification of many evaluations with a small additive overhead. As an application, we design a new concretely efficient multi-party private set-intersection with malicious security and improved asymptotic communication and space complexities. We demonstrate the concrete efficiency of our construction via an implementation. Our scheme can prove $2^{10}$ evaluations of a private polynomial of degree $2^{10}$ in 157s. The proof size is only 169KB and the verification time is 11.8s. Moreover, we also implemented the multi-party private set intersection protocol and scale it to 1000 parties (which has not been shown before). The total running time for $2^{14}$ elements per party is 2,410 seconds. While existing protocols offer better computational complexity, our scheme offers significantly smaller communication and better scalability (in the number of parties) owing to better memory usage.
Garbled Circuits from an SCA Perspective: Free XOR can be Quite Expensive. . .
Itamar Levi Carmit Hazay
Garbling schemes, invented in the 80’s by Yao (FOCS’86), have been a versatile and fundamental tool in modern cryptography. A prominent application of garbled circuits is constant round secure two-party computation, which led to a long line of study of this object, where one of the most influential optimizations is Free-XOR (Kolesnikov and Schneider ICALP’08), introducing a global offset Δ for all garbled wire values where XOR gates are computed locally without garbling them. To date, garbling schemes were not studied per their side-channel attacks (SCA) security characteristics, even though SCA pose a significant security threat to cryptographic devices. In this research we, demonstrate that adversaries utilizing advanced SCA tools such as horizontal attacks, mixed with advanced hypothesis building and standard (vertical) SCA tools, can jeopardize garbling implementations.Our main observation is that garbling schemes utilizing a global secret Δ open a door to quite trivial side-channel attacks. We model our side-channel attacks on the garbler’s device and discuss the asymmetric setting where various computations are not performed on the evaluator side. This enables dangerous leakage extraction on the garbler and renders our attack impossible on the evaluator’s side.Theoretically, we first demonstrate on a simulated environment, that such attacks are quite devastating. Concretely, our attack is capable of extracting Δ when the circuit embeds only 8 input non-linear gates with fifth/first-order attack Success-Rates of 0.65/0.7. With as little as 3 such gates, our attack reduces the first-order Guessing Entropy of Δ from 128 to ∼ 48-bits. We further demonstrate our attack via an implementation and power measurements data over an STM 32-bit processor software implementing circuit garbling, and discuss their limitations and mitigation tactics on logical, protocol and implementation layers.
Best of Both Worlds: Revisiting the Spymasters Double Agent Problem
This work introduces the notion of secure multiparty computation: MPC with fall-back security. Fall-back security for an $n$-party protocol is defined with respect to an adversary structure $\cZ$ wherein security is guaranteed in the presence of both a computationally unbounded adversary with adversary structure $\cZ$, and a computationally bounded adversary corrupting an arbitrarily large subset of the parties. This notion was considered in the work of Chaum (Crypto 89) via the Spymaster's double agent problem where he showed a semi-honest secure protocol for the honest majority adversary structure. Our first main result is a compiler that can transform any $n$-party protocol that is semi-honestly secure with statistical security tolerating an adversary structure $\cZ$ to one that (additionally) provides semi-honest fall-back security w.r.t $\cZ$. The resulting protocol has optimal round complexity, up to a constant factor, and is optimal in assumptions and the adversary structure. Our second result fully characterizes when malicious fall-back security is feasible. More precisely, we show that malicious fallback secure protocol w.r.t $\cZ$ exists if and only if $\cZ$ admits unconditional MPC against a semi-honest adversary (namely, iff $\cZ \in \cQ^2$).
Actively Secure Garbled Circuits with Constant Communication Overhead in the Plain Model
We consider the problem of constant-round secure two-party computation in the presence of active (malicious) adversaries. We present the first protocol that has only a constant multiplicative communication overhead compared to Yao’s protocol for passive adversaries, and can be implemented in the plain model by only making a black-box use of (parallel) oblivious transfer and a pseudo-random generator. This improves over the polylogarithmic overhead of the previous best protocol. A similar result could previously be obtained only in an amortized setting, using preprocessing, or by assuming bit-oblivious-transfer as an ideal primitive that has a constant cost. We present two variants of this result, one which is aimed at minimizing the number of oblivious transfers and another which is aimed at optimizing concrete efficiency. Our protocols are based on a novel combination of previous techniques together with a new efficient protocol to certify that pairs of strings transmitted via oblivious transfer satisfy a global relation. Settling for “security with correlated abort”, the concrete communication complexity of the second variant of our protocol can beat the best previous protocols with the same kind of security even for realistic values of the circuit size and the security parameter. This variant is particularly attractive in the offline–online setting, where the online cost is dominated by a single evaluation of an authenticated garbled circuit, and can also be made non-interactive using the Fiat–Shamir heuristic.
Your Reputation's Safe with Me: Framing-Free Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs
{\em Distributed Zero-Knowledge (dZK) proofs}, recently introduced by Boneh et al. (CYPTO`19), allow a prover $\prover$ to prove NP statements on an input $x$ which is {\em distributed} between $k$ verifiers $\verifier_1,\ldots,\verifier_k$, where each $\verifier_i$ holds only a piece of $x$. As in standard ZK proofs, dZK proofs guarantee {\em Completeness} when all parties are honest; {\em Soundness} against a malicious prover colluding with $t$ verifiers; and {\em Zero Knowledge} against a subset of $t$ malicious verifiers, in the sense that they learn nothing about the NP witness and the input pieces of the honest verifiers. Unfortunately, dZK proofs provide no correctness guarantee for an honest prover against a subset of maliciously corrupted verifiers. In particular, such verifiers might be able to ``frame'' the prover, causing honest verifiers to reject a true claim. This is a significant limitation, since such scenarios arise naturally in dZK applications, e.g., for proving honest behavior, and such attacks are indeed possible in existing dZKs (Boneh et al., CRYPTO`19). We put forth and study the notion of {\em strong completeness} for dZKs, guaranteeing that true claims are accepted even when $t$ verifiers are maliciously corrupted. We then design strongly-complete dZK proofs using the ``MPC-in-the-head'' paradigm of Ishai et al. (STOC`07), providing a novel analysis that exploits the unique properties of the distributed setting. To demonstrate the usefulness of strong completeness, we present several applications in which it is instrumental in obtaining security. First, we construct a certifiable version of Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS), which is a VSS in which the dealer additionally proves that the shared secret satisfies a given NP relation. Our construction withstands a constant fraction of corruptions, whereas a previous construction of Ishai et al. (TCC`14) required $k=\poly\left(t\right)$. We also design a {\em reusable} version of certifiable VSS that we introduce, in which the dealer can prove an {\em unlimited} number of predicates on the {\em same} shared secret. Finally, we extend a compiler of Boneh et al. (CRYPTO`19), who used dZKs to transform a class of ``natural'' semi-honest protocols in the honest-majority setting into maliciously secure ones with abort. Our compiler uses {\em strongly-complete} dZKs to obtain {\em identifiable} abort.
Beyond MPC-in-the-Head: Black-Box Constructions of Short Zero-Knowledge Proofs
In their seminal work, Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky, and Sahai (STOC`07) presented the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm, which shows how to design Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) from secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols. This paradigm has since then revolutionized and modularized the design of efficient ZKP systems, with far-reaching applications beyond ZKPs. However, to the best of our knowledge, all previous instantiations relied on {\em fully-secure} MPC protocols and have not been able to leverage the fact that the paradigm only imposes relatively weak privacy and correctness requirements on the underlying MPC. In this work, we extend the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm to {\em game-based} cryptographic primitives supporting homomorphic computations (e.g., fully-homomorphic encryption, functional encryption, randomized encodings, homomorphic secret sharing, and more). Specifically, we present a simple yet generic compiler from these primitives to ZKPs which use the underlying primitive as a black box. We also generalize our paradigm to capture commit-and-prove protocols, and use it to devise tight black-box compilers from Interactive (Oracle) Proofs to ZKPs, assuming One-Way Functions (OWFs). We use our paradigm to obtain several new ZKP constructions: 1. The first constant-round ZKPs for $\NP$ relations computable in (non-uniform) $\NC^1$, with communication approaching witness length (specifically, $n\cdot\poly\left(\secp\right)$, where $n$ is the witness length, and $\secp$ is a security parameter) assuming DCR. 2. Constant-round ZKPs for \NP\ relations computable in bounded polynomial space, with $O\left(n\right)+o\left(m\right)\cdot\poly\left(\secp\right)$ communication assuming OWFs, where $m$ is the instance length. This gives a black-box alternative to a recent non-black-box construction of Nassar and Ron (CRYPTO`22). 3. ZKPs for \NP\ relations computable by a logspace-uniform family of depth-$d\left(m\right)$ circuits, with $n\cdot\poly\left(\secp,d\left(m\right)\right)$ communication assuming OWFs. This gives a black-box alternative to a result of Goldwasser, Kalai and Rothblum (JACM).
Financially Backed Covert Security 📺
The security notion of covert security introduced by Aumann and Lindell (TCC'07) allows the adversary to successfully cheat and break security with a fixed probability 1-e, while with probability e, honest parties detect the cheating attempt. Asharov and Orlandi (ASIACRYPT'12) extend covert security to enable parties to create publicly verifiable evidence about misbehavior that can be transferred to any third party. This notion is called publicly verifiable covert security (PVC) and has been investigated by multiple works. While these two notions work well in settings with known identities in which parties care about their reputation, they fall short in Internet-like settings where there are only digital identities that can provide some form of anonymity. In this work, we propose the notion of financially backed covert security (FBC), which ensures that the adversary is financially punished if cheating is detected. Next, we present three transformations that turn PVC protocols into FBC protocols. Our protocols provide highly efficient judging, thereby enabling practical judge implementations via smart contracts deployed on a blockchain. In particular, the judge only needs to non-interactively validate a single protocol message while previous PVC protocols required the judge to emulate the whole protocol. Furthermore, by allowing an interactive punishment procedure, we can reduce the amount of validation to a single program instruction, e.g., a gate in a circuit. An interactive punishment, additionally, enables us to create financially backed covert secure protocols without any form of common public transcript, a property that has not been achieved by prior PVC protocols.
Asymptotically Quasi-Optimal Cryptography 📺
The question of minimizing the {\em computational overhead} of cryptography was put forward by the work of Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai (STOC 2008). The main conclusion was that, under plausible assumptions, most cryptographic primitives can be realized with {\em constant} computational overhead. However, this ignores an additive term that may depend polynomially on the (concrete) computational security parameter $\lambda$. In this work, we study the question of obtaining optimal efficiency, up to polylogarithmic factors, for {\em all} choices of $n$ and $\lambda$, where $n$ is the size of the given task. In particular, when $n=\lambda$, we would like the computational cost to be only $\tilde O(\lambda)$. We refer to this goal as {\em asymptotically quasi-optimal} (AQO) cryptography. We start by realizing the first AQO semi-honest batch oblivious linear evaluation (BOLE) protocol. Our protocol applies to OLE over small fields and relies on the near-exponential security of the ring learning with errors (RLWE) assumption. Building on the above and on known constructions of AQO PCPs, we design the first AQO zero-knowledge (ZK) argument system for Boolean circuit satisfiability. Our construction combines a new AQO ZK-PCP construction that respects the AQO property of the underlying PCP along with a technique for converting statistical secrecy into soundness via OLE reversal. Finally, combining the above results, we get AQO secure computation protocols for Boolean circuits with security against malicious parties under RLWE.
SCALES: MPC with Small Clients and Larger Ephemeral Servers
The recently proposed YOSO model is a groundbreaking approach to MPC, executable on a public blockchain, circumventing adaptive player corruption by hiding the corruption targets until they are worthless. Players are selected unpredictably from a large pool to perform MPC sub-tasks, in which each selected player sends a single message (and reveals their identity). While YOSO MPC has attractive asymptotic complexity, unfortunately, it is concretely prohibitively expensive due to the cost of its building blocks. We propose a modification to the YOSO model that preserves resilience to adaptive server corruption, but allows for much more efficient protocols. In SCALES (Small Clients And Larger Ephemeral Servers) only the servers facilitating the MPC computation are ephemeral (unpredictably selected and ``speak once''). Input providers (clients) publish problem instance and collect the output, but do not otherwise participate in computation. SCALES offers attractive features, and improves over YOSO in outsourcing MPC to a large pool of servers under adaptive corruption. We build SCALES from rerandomizable garbling schemes, which is a contribution of independent interest, with additional applications.
On Black-Box Constructions of Time and Space Efficient Sublinear Arguments from Symmetric-Key Primitives
Zero-knowledge proofs allow a prover to convince a verifier of a statement without revealing anything besides its validity. A major bottleneck in scaling sub-linear zero-knowledge proofs is the high space requirement of the prover, even for NP relations that can be verified in a small space. In this work, we ask whether there exist complexity-preserving (i.e. overhead w.r.t time and space are minimal) succinct zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge with minimal assumptions while making only black-box access to the underlying primitives. We essentially resolve this question up to polylogarithmic factors. Namely, for every NP relation that can be verified in time T and space S, we construct a public-coin zero-knowledge argument system that is black-box based on collision-resistant hash-functions (CRH) where the prover runs in time $\O(T)$ and space $\O(S)$, the verifier runs in time $\O(T/S+S)$ and space $\O(\kappa)$ and the communication is $\O(T/S)$, where $\kappa$ is the statistical security parameter. Using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, our construction yields the first complexity-preserving ZK-SNARK based on CRH (via a black-box construction). Furthermore, we give evidence that reducing the proof length below $\O(T/S)$ will be hard using existing techniques by arguing the space-complexity of constant-distance error correcting codes.
ZK-PCPs from Leakage-Resilient Secret Sharing
Zero-Knowledge PCPs (ZK-PCPs; Kilian, Petrank, and Tardos, STOC ‘97) are PCPs with the additional zero-knowledge guarantee that the view of any (possibly malicious) verifier making a bounded number of queries to the proof can be efficiently simulated up to a small statistical distance. Similarly, ZK-PCPs of Proximity (ZK-PCPPs; Ishai and Weiss, TCC ‘14) are PCPPs in which the view of an adversarial verifier can be efficiently simulated with few queries to the input. Previous ZK-PCP constructions obtained an exponential gap between the query complexity q of the honest verifier, and the bound $$q^*$$ q ∗ on the queries of a malicious verifier (i.e., $$q={\mathsf {poly}}\log \left( q^*\right) $$ q = poly log q ∗ ), but required either exponential-time simulation, or adaptive honest verification. This should be contrasted with standard PCPs, that can be verified non-adaptively (i.e., with a single round of queries to the proof). The problem of constructing such ZK-PCPs, even when $$q^*=q$$ q ∗ = q , has remained open since they were first introduced more than 2 decades ago. This question is also open for ZK-PCPPs, for which no construction with non-adaptive honest verification is known (not even with exponential-time simulation). We resolve this question by constructing the first ZK-PCPs and ZK-PCPPs which simultaneously achieve efficient zero-knowledge simulation and non-adaptive honest verification. Our schemes have a square-root query gap, namely $$q^*/q=O\left( \sqrt{n}\right) $$ q ∗ / q = O n , where n is the input length. Our constructions combine the “MPC-in-the-head” technique (Ishai et al., STOC ‘07) with leakage-resilient secret sharing. Specifically, we use the MPC-in-the-head technique to construct a ZK-PCP variant over a large alphabet, then employ leakage-resilient secret sharing to design a new alphabet reduction for ZK-PCPs which preserves zero-knowledge.
TinyKeys: A New Approach to Efficient Multi-Party Computation
We present a new approach to designing concretely efficient MPC protocols with semi-honest security in the dishonest majority setting. Motivated by the fact that within the dishonest majority setting the efficiency of most practical protocols does not depend on the number of honest parties , we investigate how to construct protocols which improve in efficiency as the number of honest parties increases. Our central idea is to take a protocol which is secure for $$n-1$$ n - 1 corruptions and modify it to use short symmetric keys, with the aim of basing security on the concatenation of all honest parties’ keys. This results in a more efficient protocol tolerating fewer corruptions, whilst also introducing an LPN-style syndrome decoding assumption. We first apply this technique to a modified version of the semi-honest GMW protocol, using OT extension with short keys, to improve the efficiency of standard GMW with fewer corruptions. We also obtain more efficient constant-round MPC, using BMR-style garbled circuits with short keys, and present an implementation of the online phase of this protocol. Our techniques start to improve upon existing protocols when there are around $$n=10$$ n = 10 parties with $$h=4$$ h = 4 honest parties, and as these increase we obtain up to a 13 times reduction (for $$n=400,h=120$$ n = 400 , h = 120 ) in communication complexity for our GMW variant, compared with the best-known GMW-based protocol modified to use the same threshold.
Generic Compiler for Publicly Verifiable Covert Multi-Party Computation 📺
Covert security has been introduced as a compromise between semi-honest and malicious security. In a nutshell, covert security guarantees that malicious behavior can be detected by the honest parties with some probability, but in case detection fails all bets are off. While the security guarantee offered by covert security is weaker than full-fledged malicious security, it comes with significantly improved efficiency. An important extension of covert security introduced by Asharov and Orlandi (ASIACRYPT'12) is \emph{public verifiability}, which allows the honest parties to create a publicly verifiable certificate of malicious behavior. Public verifiability significantly strengthen covert security as the certificate allows punishment via an external party, e.g., a judge. Most previous work on publicly verifiable covert (PVC) security focuses on the two-party case, and the multi-party case has mostly been neglected. In this work, we introduce a novel compiler for multi-party PVC secure protocols with no private inputs. The class of supported protocols includes the preprocessing of common multi-party computation protocols that are designed in the offline-online model. Our compiler leverages time-lock encryption to offer high probability of cheating detection (often also called deterrence factor) independent of the number of involved parties. Moreover, in contrast to the only earlier work that studies PVC in the multi-party setting (CRYPTO'20), we provide the first full formal security analysis.
Round-Optimal Secure Multi-party Computation
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a central cryptographic task that allows a set of mutually distrustful parties to jointly compute some function of their private inputs where security should hold in the presence of an active (i.e. malicious) adversary that can corrupt any number of parties. Despite extensive research, the precise round complexity of this “standard-bearer” cryptographic primitive, under polynomial-time hardness assumptions, is unknown. Recently, Garg, Mukherjee, Pandey and Polychroniadou, in Eurocrypt 2016 demonstrated that the round complexity of any MPC protocol relying on black-box proofs of security in the plain model must be at least four. Following this work, independently Ananth, Choudhuri and Jain, CRYPTO 2017 and Brakerski, Halevi, and Polychroniadou, TCC 2017 made progress towards solving this question and constructed four-round protocols based on the DDH and LWE assumptions, respectively, albeit with super-polynomial hardness. More recently, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti in TCC 2017 closed the gap for two-party protocols by constructing a four-round protocol from polynomial-time assumptions, concretely, trapdoor permutations. In another work, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti TCC 2017 showed how to design a four-round multi-party protocol for the specific case of multi-party coin-tossing based on one-way functions. In this work, we resolve this question by designing a four-round actively secure multi-party (two or more parties) protocol for general functionalities under standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions with a black-box proof of security, specifically, under the assumptions LWE, DDH, QR and DCR.
On the Power of Secure Two-Party Computation
Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai (STOC 2007 ; SIAM J Comput 39(3):1121–1152, 2009 ) introduced the powerful “MPC-in-the-head” technique that provided a general transformation of information-theoretic MPC protocols secure against passive adversaries to a ZK proof in a “black-box” way. In this work, we extend this technique and provide a generic transformation of any semi-honest secure two-party computation (2PC) protocol (with mild adaptive security guarantees) in the so-called oblivious-transfer hybrid model to an adaptive ZK proof for any $$\textsf {NP}$$ NP language, in a “black-box” way assuming only one-way functions. Our basic construction based on Goldreich–Micali–Wigderson’s 2PC protocol yields an adaptive ZK proof with communication complexity proportional to quadratic in the size of the circuit implementing the $$\textsf {NP}$$ NP relation. Previously such proofs relied on an expensive Karp reduction of the $$\textsf {NP}$$ NP language to Graph Hamiltonicity [Lindell and Zarosim (TCC 2009 ; J Cryptol 24(4):761–799, 2011 )]. As an application of our techniques, we show how to obtain a ZK proof with an “input-delayed” property for any $$\textsf {NP}$$ NP language without relying on expensive Karp reductions that is black box in the underlying one-way function. Namely, the input-delayed property allows the honest prover’s algorithm to receive the actual statement to be proved only in the final round. We further generalize this to obtain a “commit-and-prove” protocol with the same property where the prover commits to a witness w in the second message and proves a statement x regarding the witness w in zero-knowledge where the statement is determined only in the last round. This improves a previous construction of Lapidot and Shamir (Crypto 1990 ) that was designed specifically for the Graph Hamiltonicity problem and relied on the underlying primitives in a non-black-box way. Additionally, we provide a general transformation to construct a randomized encoding of a function f from any 2PC protocol that securely computes a related functionality (in a black-box way) from one-way functions. We show that if the 2PC protocol has mild adaptive security guarantees (which are satisfied by both the Yao’s and GMW’s protocol), then the resulting randomized encoding can be decomposed to an offline/online encoding.
Which Languages Have 4-Round Fully Black-Box Zero-Knowledge Arguments from One-Way Functions? 📺
We prove that if a language $\cL$ has a 4-round fully black-box zero-knowledge argument with negligible soundness based on one-way functions, then $\overline{\cL} \in \MA$. Since $\coNP \subseteq \MA$ implies that the polynomial hierarchy collapses, our result implies that $\NP$-complete languages are unlikely to have 4-round fully black-box zero-knowledge arguments based on one-way functions. In TCC 2018, Hazay and Venkitasubramaniam, and Khurana, Ostrovsky, and Srinivasan demonstrated 4-round fully black-box zero-knowledge arguments for all languages in $\NP$ based on injective one-way functions. Their results also imply a 5-round protocol based on one-way functions. In essence, our result resolves the round complexity of fully black-box zero-knowledge arguments based on one-way functions.
The Price of Active Security in Cryptographic Protocols 📺
We construct the first actively-secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols with an \emph{arbitrary} number of parties in the dishonest majority setting, for an \emph{arbitrary} field $\FF$ with \emph{constant communication overhead} over the ``passive-GMW'' protocol (Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson, STOC `87). Our protocols rely on passive implementations of Oblivious Transfer (OT) in the boolean setting and Oblivious Linear function Evaluation (OLE) in the arithmetic setting. Previously, such protocols were only known over sufficiently large fields (Genkin et al. STOC `14) or a constant number of parties (Ishai et al. CRYPTO `08). Conceptually, our protocols are obtained via a new compiler from a passively-secure protocol for a distributed multiplication functionality $\cF_\mult$, to an actively-secure protocol for general functionalities. Roughly, $\cF_\mult$ is parameterized by a linear-secret sharing scheme $\cS$, where it takes $\cS$-shares of two secrets and returns $\cS$-shares of their product. We show that our compilation is concretely efficient for sufficiently large fields, resulting in an overhead of 2 when securely computing natural circuits. Our compiler has two additional benefits: (1) it can rely on \emph{any} passive implementation of $\cF_\mult$, which, besides the standard implementation based on OT (for boolean) and OLE (for arithmetic) allows us to rely on implementations based on threshold cryptosystems (Cramer et al. Eurocrypt `01); and (2) it can rely on weaker-than-passive (i.e., imperfect/leaky) implementations, which in some parameter regimes yield actively-secure protocols with overhead less than 2. Instantiating this compiler with an ``honest-majority'' implementations of $\cF_\mult$, we obtain the first honest-majority protocol with optimal corruption threshold for boolean circuits with constant communication overhead over the best passive protocol (Damg{\aa}rd and Nielsen, CRYPTO `07).
Going Beyond Dual Execution: MPC for Functions with Efficient Verification 📺
The dual execution paradigm of Mohassel and Franklin (PKC’06) and Huang, Katz and Evans (IEEE ’12) shows how to achieve the notion of 1-bit leakage security at roughly twice the cost of semi-honest security for the special case of two-party secure computation . To date, there are no multi-party computation (MPC) protocols that offer such a strong trade-off between security and semi-honest performance. Our main result is to address this shortcoming by designing 1-bit leakage protocols for the multi-party setting, albeit for a special class of functions. We say that function f ( x ,  y ) is efficiently verifiable by g if the running time of g is always smaller than f and $$g(x,y,z)=1$$ if and only if $$f(x,y)=z$$ . In the two-party setting, we first improve dual execution by observing that the “second execution” can be an evaluation of g instead of f , and that by definition, the evaluation of g is asymptotically more efficient. Our main MPC result is to construct a 1-bit leakage protocol for such functions from any passive protocol for f that is secure up to additive errors and any active protocol for g . An important result by Genkin et al. (STOC ’14) shows how the classic protocols by Goldreich et al. (STOC ’87) and Ben-Or et al. (STOC ’88) naturally support this property, which allows to instantiate our compiler with two-party and multi-party protocols. A key technical result we prove is that the passive protocol for distributed garbling due to Beaver et al. (STOC ’90) is in fact secure up to additive errors against malicious adversaries, thereby, yielding another powerful instantiation of our paradigm in the constant-round multi-party setting. As another concrete example of instantiating our approach, we present a novel protocol for computing perfect matching that is secure in the 1-bit leakage model and whose communication complexity is less than the honest-but-curious implementations of textbook algorithms for perfect matching.
Low Cost Constant Round MPC Combining BMR and Oblivious Transfer
In this work, we present two new actively secure, constant-round multi-party computation (MPC) protocols with security against all-but-one corruptions. Our protocols both start with an actively secure MPC protocol, which may have linear round complexity in the depth of the circuit, and compile it into a constant-round protocol based on garbled circuits, with very low overhead. 1. Our first protocol takes a generic approach using any secret-sharing-based MPC protocol for binary circuits, and a correlated oblivious transfer functionality. 2. Our second protocol builds on secret-sharing-based MPC with information-theoretic MACs. This approach is less flexible, being based on a specific form of MPC, but requires no additional oblivious transfers to compute the garbled circuit. In both approaches, the underlying secret-sharing-based protocol is only used for one actively secure $$\mathbb {F}_2$$ F 2 multiplication per AND gate . An interesting consequence of this is that, with current techniques, constant-round MPC for binary circuits is not much more expensive than practical, non-constant-round protocols. We demonstrate the practicality of our second protocol with an implementation and perform experiments with up to 9 parties securely computing the AES and SHA-256 circuits. Our running times improve upon the best possible performance with previous protocols in this setting by 60 times.
On Black-Box Complexity of Universally Composable Security in the CRS Model
In this work, we study the intrinsic complexity of black-box Universally Composable (UC) secure computation based on general assumptions. We present a thorough study in various corruption modelings while focusing on achieving security in the common reference string (CRS) model. Our results involve the following:Static UC secure computation. Designing the first static UC oblivious transfer protocol based on public-key encryption and stand-alone semi-honest oblivious transfer. As a corollary, we obtain the first black-box constructions of UC secure computation assuming only two-round semi-honest oblivious transfer.One-sided UC secure computation. Designing adaptive UC two-party computation with single corruptions assuming public-key encryption with oblivious ciphertext generation.Adaptive UC secure computation. Designing adaptively secure UC commitment scheme assuming only public-key encryption with oblivious ciphertext generation. As a corollary, we obtain the first black-box constructions of adaptive UC secure computation assuming only (trapdoor) simulatable public-key encryption (as well as a variety of concrete assumptions).We remark that such a result was not known even under non-black-box constructions.
Constant-Round Maliciously Secure Two-Party Computation in the RAM Model
Carmit Hazay Avishay Yanai
The random-access memory model of computation allows program constant-time memory lookup and is more applicable in practice today, covering many important algorithms. This is in contrast to the classic setting of secure 2-party computation (2PC) that mostly follows the approach for which the desired functionality must be represented as a Boolean circuit. In this work, we design the first constant-round maliciously secure two-party protocol in the RAM model. Our starting point is the garbled RAM construction of Gentry et al. (EUROCRYPT, pp 405–422, 2014) that readily induces a constant round semi-honest two-party protocol for any RAM program assuming identity-based encryption schemes. We show how to enhance the security of their construction into the malicious setting while facing several challenges that stem due to handling the data memory. Next, we show how to apply our techniques to a more recent garbled RAM construction by Garg et al. (STOC, pp 449–458, 2015) that is based on one-way functions.
Efficient RSA Key Generation and Threshold Paillier in the Two-Party Setting
The problem of generating an RSA composite in a distributed manner without leaking its factorization is particularly challenging and useful in many cryptographic protocols. Our first contribution is the first non-generic fully simulatable protocol for distributively generating an RSA composite with security against malicious behavior. Our second contribution is a complete Paillier (in: EUROCRYPT, pp 223–238, 1999) threshold encryption scheme in the two-party setting with security against malicious attacks. We further describe how to extend our protocols to the multiparty setting with dishonest majority. Our RSA key generation protocol is comprised of the following subprotocols: (i) a distributed protocol for generation of an RSA composite and (ii) a biprimality test for verifying the validity of the generated composite. Our Paillier threshold encryption scheme uses the RSA composite for the public key and is comprised of the following subprotocols: (i) a distributed generation of the corresponding secret key shares and (ii) a distributed decryption protocol for decrypting according to Paillier.
What Security Can We Achieve Within 4 Rounds?
Katz and Ostrovsky (Crypto 2004) proved that five rounds are necessary for stand-alone general black-box constructions of secure two-party protocols and at least four rounds are necessary if only one party needs to receive the output. Recently, Ostrovsky, Richelson and Scafuro (Crypto 2015) proved optimality of this result by showing how to realize stand-alone, secure two-party computation under general assumptions (with black-box proof of security) in four rounds where only one party receives the output, and an extension to five rounds where both parties receive the output. In this paper, we study the question of what security is achievable for stand-alone two-party protocols within four rounds and show the following results: 1. A 4-round two-party protocol for coin-tossing that achieves 1 /  p - security (i.e., simulation fails with probability at most $$1/p+{\mathsf {negl}}$$ 1 / p + negl ), in the presence of malicious corruptions. 2. A 4-round two-party protocol for general functionalities where both parties receive the output, that achieves 1 /  p -security and privacy in the presence of malicious adversaries corrupting one of the parties, and full security in the presence of non-aborting malicious adversaries corrupting the other party. 3. A 3-round oblivious-transfer protocol that achieves 1 /  p -security against arbitrary malicious senders, while simultaneously guaranteeing a meaningful notion of privacy against malicious corruptions of either party. 4. Finally, we show that the simulation-based security guarantees for our 3-round protocols are optimal by proving that 1 /  p -simulation security is impossible to achieve against both parties in three rounds or less when requiring some minimal guarantees on the privacy of their inputs.
TinyKeys: A New Approach to Efficient Multi-Party Computation 📺
We present a new approach to designing concretely efficient MPC protocols with semi-honest security in the dishonest majority setting. Motivated by the fact that within the dishonest majority setting the efficiency of most practical protocols does not depend on the number of honest parties, we investigate how to construct protocols which improve in efficiency as the number of honest parties increases. Our central idea is to take a protocol which is secure for $$n-1$$ n-1 corruptions and modify it to use short symmetric keys, with the aim of basing security on the concatenation of all honest parties’ keys. This results in a more efficient protocol tolerating fewer corruptions, whilst also introducing an LPN-style syndrome decoding assumption.We first apply this technique to a modified version of the semi-honest GMW protocol, using OT extension with short keys, to improve the efficiency of standard GMW with fewer corruptions. We also obtain more efficient constant-round MPC, using BMR-style garbled circuits with short keys, and present an implementation of the online phase of this protocol. Our techniques start to improve upon existing protocols when there are around $$n=20$$ n=20 parties with $$h=6$$ h=6 honest parties, and as these increase we obtain up to a 13 times reduction (for $$n=400, h=120$$ n=400,h=120) in communication complexity for our GMW variant, compared with the best-known GMW-based protocol modified to use the same threshold.
Round-Optimal Secure Multi-Party Computation 📺
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a central cryptographic task that allows a set of mutually distrustful parties to jointly compute some function of their private inputs where security should hold in the presence of a malicious adversary that can corrupt any number of parties. Despite extensive research, the precise round complexity of this “standard-bearer” cryptographic primitive is unknown. Recently, Garg, Mukherjee, Pandey and Polychroniadou, in EUROCRYPT 2016 demonstrated that the round complexity of any MPC protocol relying on black-box proofs of security in the plain model must be at least four. Following this work, independently Ananth, Choudhuri and Jain, CRYPTO 2017 and Brakerski, Halevi, and Polychroniadou, TCC 2017 made progress towards solving this question and constructed four-round protocols based on non-polynomial time assumptions. More recently, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti in TCC 2017 closed the gap for two-party protocols by constructing a four-round protocol from polynomial-time assumptions. In another work, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti TCC 2017 showed how to design a four-round multi-party protocol for the specific case of multi-party coin-tossing.In this work, we resolve this question by designing a four-round actively secure multi-party (two or more parties) protocol for general functionalities under standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions with a black-box proof of security.
Round-Optimal Fully Black-Box Zero-Knowledge Arguments from One-Way Permutations
In this paper, we revisit the round complexity of designing zero-knowledge (ZK) arguments via a black-box construction from minimal assumptions. Our main result implements a 4-round ZK argument for any language in $$\textsf {NP}$$ NP, based on injective one-way functions, that makes black-box use of the underlying function. As a corollary, we also obtain the first 4-round perfect zero-knowledge argument for $$\textsf {NP}$$ NP based on claw-free permutations via a black-box construction and 4-round input-delayed commit-and-prove zero-knowledge argument based on injective one-way functions.
Concretely Efficient Large-Scale MPC with Active Security (or, TinyKeys for TinyOT)
In this work we develop a new theory for concretely efficient, large-scale MPC with active security. Current practical techniques are mostly in the strong setting of all-but-one corruptions, which leads to protocols that scale badly with the number of parties. To work around this issue, we consider a large-scale scenario where a small minority out of many parties is honest and design scalable, more efficient MPC protocols for this setting. Our results are achieved by introducing new techniques for information-theoretic MACs with short keys and extending the work of Hazay et al. (CRYPTO 2018), which developed new passively secure MPC protocols in the same context. We further demonstrate the usefulness of this theory in practice by analyzing the concrete communication overhead of our protocols, which improve upon the most efficient previous works.
Efficient Set Operations in the Presence of Malicious Adversaries
Carmit Hazay Kobbi Nissim
We revisit the problem of constructing efficient secure two-party protocols for the problems of set intersection and set union, focusing on the model of malicious parties. Our main results are constant-round protocols that exhibit linear communication and a (practically) linear number of exponentiations with simulation-based security. At the heart of these constructions is a technique based on a combination of a perfectly hiding commitment and an oblivious pseudorandom function evaluation protocol. Our protocols readily transform into protocols that are UC secure, and we discuss how to perform these transformations.

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