International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Generic Compiler for Publicly Verifiable Covert Multi-Party Computation

Sebastian Faust , Technical University of Darmstadt
Carmit Hazay , Bar-Ilan University
David Kretzler , Technical University of Darmstadt
Benjamin Schlosser , Technical University of Darmstadt
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77886-6_27 (login may be required)
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: EUROCRYPT 2021
Abstract: Covert security has been introduced as a compromise between semi-honest and malicious security. In a nutshell, covert security guarantees that malicious behavior can be detected by the honest parties with some probability, but in case detection fails all bets are off. While the security guarantee offered by covert security is weaker than full-fledged malicious security, it comes with significantly improved efficiency. An important extension of covert security introduced by Asharov and Orlandi (ASIACRYPT'12) is \emph{public verifiability}, which allows the honest parties to create a publicly verifiable certificate of malicious behavior. Public verifiability significantly strengthen covert security as the certificate allows punishment via an external party, e.g., a judge. Most previous work on publicly verifiable covert (PVC) security focuses on the two-party case, and the multi-party case has mostly been neglected. In this work, we introduce a novel compiler for multi-party PVC secure protocols with no private inputs. The class of supported protocols includes the preprocessing of common multi-party computation protocols that are designed in the offline-online model. Our compiler leverages time-lock encryption to offer high probability of cheating detection (often also called deterrence factor) independent of the number of involved parties. Moreover, in contrast to the only earlier work that studies PVC in the multi-party setting (CRYPTO'20), we provide the first full formal security analysis.
Video from EUROCRYPT 2021
  title={Generic Compiler for Publicly Verifiable Covert Multi-Party Computation},
  author={Sebastian Faust and Carmit Hazay and David Kretzler and Benjamin Schlosser},