International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Pierre Meyer


Fast Public-Key Silent OT and More from Constrained Naor-Reingold
Pseudorandom Correlation Functions (PCFs) allow two parties, given correlated evaluation keys, to locally generate arbitrarily many pseudorandom correlated strings, e.g. Oblivious Transfer (OT) correlations, which can then be used by the two parties to jointly run secure computation protocols. In this work, we provide a novel and simple approach for constructing PCFs for OT correlation, by relying on constrained pseudorandom functions for a class of constraints containing a weak pseudorandom function (wPRF). We then show that tweaking the Naor-Reingold pseudorandom function and relying on low-complexity pseudorandom functions allow us to instantiate our paradigm. We further extend our ideas to obtain efficient public-key PCFs, which allow the distribution of correlated keys between parties to be non-interactive: each party can generate a pair of public/secret keys, and any pair of parties can locally derive their correlated evaluation key by combining their secret key with the other party’s public key. In addition to these theoretical contributions, we detail various optimizations and provide concrete instantiations of our paradigm relying on the Boneh-Ishai-Passelègue-Sahai-Wu wPRF and the Goldreich-Applebaum-Raykov wPRF. Putting everything together, we obtain public-key PCFs with a throughput of 15k-40k OT/s, which is of a similar order of magnitude to the state-of-the-art interactive PCFs and about 4 orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art public-key PCFs. As a side result, we also show that public-key PCFs can serve as a building block to construct reusable designated-verifier non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (DV-NIZK) for NP. Combined with our instantiations, this yields simple and efficient reusable DV-NIZKs for NP in pairing-free groups.
Depth-Reduction Algorithms for Directed Acyclic Graphs and Applications to Secure Multiparty Computation
We consider the graph-theoretic problem of removing (few) nodes from a directed acyclic graph in order to reduce its depth. While this problem is intractable in the general case, we provide a variety of algorithms in the case where the graph is that of a circuit of fan-in (at most) two, and explore applications of these algorithms to secure multiparty computation with low communication. Over the past few years, a paradigm for low-communication secure multiparty computation has found success based on decomposing a circuit into low-depth ``chunks''. This approach was however previously limited to circuits with a ``layered'' structure. Our graph-theoretic approach extends this paradigm to all circuits. In particular, we obtain the following contributions: 1) Fractionally linear-communication MPC in the correlated randomness model: We provide an $N$-party protocol for computing an $n$-input, $m$-output $\F$-arithmetic circuit with $s$ internal gates (over any basis of binary gates) with communication complexity $(\frac{2}{3}s + n + m)\cdot N\cdot\log |\F|$, which can be improved to $((1+\epsilon)\cdot\frac{2}{5}s+n+m)\cdot N\cdot\log |\F|$ (at the cost of increasing the computational overhead from a small constant factor to a large one). Previously, comparable protocols either used more than $s\cdot N\cdot \log |\F|$ bits of communication, required super-polynomial computation, were restricted to layered circuits, or tolerated a sub-optimal corruption threshold. 2) Sublinear-Communication MPC: Assuming the existence of $N$-party Homomorphic Secret Sharing for logarithmic depth circuits (respectively doubly logarithmic depth circuits), we show there exists sublinear-communication secure $N$-party computation for \emph{all} $\log^{1+o(1)}$-depth (resp.~$(\log\log)^{1+o(1)}$-depth) circuits. Previously, this result was limited to $(\mathcal{O}(\log))$-depth (resp.~$(\mathcal{O}(\log\log))$-depth) circuits, or to circuits with a specific structure (e.g. layered). 3) The 1-out-of-M-OT complexity of MPC: We introduce the `` 1-out-of-M-OT complexity of MPC'' of a function $f$, denoted $C_M(f)$, as the number of oracle calls required to securely compute $f$ in the 1-out-of-M-OT hybrid model. We establish the following upper bound: for every $M\geq 2$, $C_N(f) \leq (1+g(M))\cdot \frac{2 |f|}{5}$, where $g(M)$ is an explicit vanishing function. We also obtain additional contributions to reducing the amount of bootstrapping for fully homomorphic encryption, and to other types of sublinear-communication MPC protocols such as those based on correlated symmetric private information retrieval.
Sublinear-Communication Secure Multiparty Computation does not require FHE
Secure computation enables mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute a function on their secret inputs, while revealing nothing beyond the function output. A long-running challenge is understanding the required communication complexity of such protocols---in particular, when communication can be *sublinear* in the circuit representation size of the desired function. Significant advances have been made affirmatively answering this question within the {\em two-party} setting, based on a variety of structures and hardness assumptions. In contrast, in the *multi-party* setting, only one general approach is known: using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). We present a framework for achieving secure sublinear-communication $(N+1)$-party computation, building from a particular form of Function Secret Sharing for only $N$ parties. In turn, we demonstrate implications to sublinear secure computation for various function classes in the 3-party and 5-party settings based on an assortment of assumptions not known to imply FHE.
Constrained Pseudorandom Functions from Homomorphic Secret Sharing
We propose and analyze a simple strategy for constructing 1-key constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) from homomorphic secret sharing. In the process, we obtain the following contributions: first, we identify desirable properties for the underlying HSS scheme for our strategy to work. Second, we show that (most of) recent existing HSS schemes satisfy these properties, leading to instantiations of CPRFs for various constraints and from various assumptions. Notably, we obtain the first (1-key selectively secure, private) CPRFs for inner-product and (1-key selectively secure) CPRFs for NC 1 from the DCR assumption, and more. Last, we revisit two applications of HSS equipped with these additional properties to secure computation: we obtain secure computation in the silent preprocessing model with one party being able to precompute its whole preprocessing material before even knowing the other party, and we construct one-sided statistically secure computation with sublinear communication for restricted forms of computation.
Towards Topology-Hiding Computation from Oblivious Transfer
Topology-Hiding Computation (THC) enables parties to securely compute a function on an incomplete network without revealing the network topology. It is known that secure computation on a complete network can be based on oblivious transfer (OT), even if a majority of the participating parties are corrupt. In contrast, THC in the dishonest majority setting is only known from assumptions that imply (additively) homomorphic encryption, such as Quadratic Residuosity, Decisional Diffie-Hellman, or Learning With Errors. In this work we move towards closing the gap between MPC and THC by presenting a protocol for THC on general graphs secure against all-but-one semi-honest corruptions from constant-round constant-overhead secure two-party computation. Our protocol is therefore the first to achieve THC on arbitrary networks without relying on assumptions with rich algebraic structure. As a technical tool, we introduce the notion of locally simulatable MPC, which we believe to be of independent interest.
Topology-Hiding Communication from Minimal Assumptions
Topology-hiding broadcast ( THB ) enables parties communicating over an incomplete network to broadcast messages while hiding the topology from within a given class of graphs. THB is a central tool underlying general topology-hiding secure computation ( THC ) (Moran et al. TCC’15). Although broadcast is a privacy-free task, it was recently shown that THB for certain graph classes necessitates computational assumptions, even in the semi-honest setting, and even given a single corrupted party. In this work, we investigate the minimal assumptions required for topology-hiding communication: both Broadcast or Anonymous Broadcast (where the broadcaster’s identity is hidden). We develop new techniques that yield a variety of necessary and sufficient conditions for the feasibility of THB / THAB in different cryptographic settings: information theoretic, given existence of key agreement, and given existence of oblivious transfer. Our results show that feasibility can depend on various properties of the graph class, such as connectivity , and highlight the role of different properties of topology when kept hidden, including direction , distance , and/or distance-of-neighbors to the broadcaster. An interesting corollary of our results is a dichotomy for THC with a public number of at least three parties, secure against one corruption: information-theoretic feasibility if all graphs are 2-connected; necessity and sufficiency of key agreement otherwise.
Sublinear Secure Computation from New Assumptions
Secure computation enables mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute a function on their secret inputs, while revealing nothing beyond the function output. A long-running challenge is understanding the required communication complexity of such protocols---in particular, when communication can be sublinear in the circuit representation size of the desired function. For certain functions, such as Private Information Retrieval (PIR), this question extends to even sublinearity in the input size. We develop new techniques expanding the set of computational assumptions for sublinear communication in both settings: 1) Circuit size. We present sublinear-communication protocols for secure evaluation of general layered circuits, given any 2-round rate-1 batch oblivious transfer (OT) protocol with a particular ``decomposability'' property. In particular, this condition can be shown to hold for the recent batch OT protocols of (Brakerski et al. Eurocrypt 2022), in turn yielding a new sublinear secure computation feasibility: from Quadratic Residuosity (QR) together with polynomial-noise-rate Learning Parity with Noise (LPN). Our approach constitutes a departure from existing paths toward sublinear secure computation, all based on fully homomorphic encryption or homomorphic secret sharing. 2) Input size. We construct single-server PIR based on the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption, with polylogarithmic communication in the database input size n. Previous constructions from CDH required communication Omega(n). In hindsight, our construction comprises of a relatively simple combination of existing tools from the literature.
Breaking the Circuit Size Barrier for Secure Computation under Quasi-Polynomial LPN 📺
Geoffroy Couteau Pierre Meyer
In this work we introduce a new (circuit-dependent) homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) scheme for all log/loglog-local circuits, with communication proportional only to the width of the circuit, and polynomial computation, assuming the super-polynomial hardness of learning parity with noise (LPN). At the heart of our new construction is a pseudorandom correlation generator (PCG), which allows two partie to locally stretch, from short seeds, pseudorandom instances of an arbitrary log / log log-local additive correlation. Our main application, and the main motivation behind this work, is a generic two-party secure computation protocol for every layered (boolean or arithmetic) circuit of size s with total communication O(s/ log log s) and polynomial computation, assuming the super-polynomial hardness of the standard learning parity with noise assumption (a circuit is layered if its nodes can be partitioned in layers, such that any wire connects adjacent layers). This expands the set of assumptions under which the ‘circuit size barrier’ can be broken, for a large class of circuits. The strength of the underlying assumption is tied to the sublinearity factor: we achieve communication O(s/k(s)) under the s^2^k(s) -hardness of LPN, for any k(s) ≤ log log s /4. Previously, the set of assumptions known to imply a PCG for correlations of degree ω(1) or generic secure computation protocols with sublinear communication was restricted to LWE, DDH, and a circularly secure variant of DCR.
Topology-Hiding Communication from Minimal Assumptions. 📺
Topology-hiding broadcast (THB) enables parties communicating over an incomplete network to broadcast messages while hiding the topology from within a given class of graphs. THB is a central tool underlying general topology-hiding secure computation (THC) (Moran et al. TCC’15). Although broadcast is a privacy-free task, it was recently shown that THB for certain graph classes necessitates computational assumptions, even in the semi-honest setting, and even given a single corrupted party. In this work we investigate the minimal assumptions required for topology-hiding communication—both Broadcast or Anonymous Broadcast (where the broadcaster’s identity is hidden). We develop new techniques that yield a variety of necessary and sufficient conditions for the feasibility of THB/THAB in different cryptographic settings: information theoretic, given existence of key agreement, and given existence of oblivious transfer. Our results show that feasibility can depend on various properties of the graph class, such as connectivity, and highlight the role of different properties of topology when kept hidden, including direction, distance, and/or distance-of-neighbors to the broadcaster. An interesting corollary of our results is a dichotomy for THC with a public number of at least three parties, secure against one corruption: information-theoretic feasibility if all graphs are 2-connected; necessity and sufficiency of key agreement otherwise.