International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup


Evict+Spec+Time: Exploiting Out-of-Order Execution to Improve Cache-Timing Attacks
Speculative out-of-order execution is a strategy of masking execution latency by allowing younger instructions to execute before older instructions. While originally considered to be innocuous, speculative out-of-order execution was brought into the spotlight with the 2018 publication of the Spectre and Meltdown attacks. These attacks demonstrated that microarchitectural side channels can leak sensitive data accessed by speculatively executed instructions that are not part of the normal program execution. Since then, a significant effort has been vested in investigating how microarchitectural side channels can leak data from speculatively executed instructions and how to control this leakage. However, much less is known about how speculative out-of-order execution affects microarchitectural side-channel attacks.In this paper, we investigate how speculative out-of-order execution affects the Evict+Time cache attack. Evict+Time is based on the observation that cache misses are slower than cache hits, hence by measuring the execution time of code, an attacker can determine if a cache miss occurred during the execution. We demonstrate that, due to limited resources for tracking out-of-order execution, under certain conditions an attacker can gain more fine-grained information and determine whether a cache miss occurred in part of the executed code.Based on the observation, we design the Evict+Spec+Time attack, a variant of Evict+Time that can learn not only whether a cache miss occurred, but also in which part of the victim code it occurred. We demonstrate that Evict+Spec+Time is an order of magnitude more efficient than Evict+Time when attacking a T-tables-based implementation of AES. We further show an Evict+Spec+Time attack on an S-boxbased implementation of AES, recovering the key with as little as 14 815 decryptions. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first successful Evict+Time attack on such a victim.
Cache-Timing Attack Against HQC
Senyang Huang Rui Qi Sim Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup Qian Guo Thomas Johansson
In this paper, we present the first chosen-ciphertext (CC) cache-timing attacks on the reference implementation of HQC. We build a cache-timing based distinguisher for implementing a plaintext-checking (PC) oracle. The PC oracle uses side-channel information to check if a given ciphertext decrypts to a given message. This is done by identifying a vulnerability during the generating process of two vectors in the reference implementation of HQC. We also propose a new method of using PC oracles for chosen-ciphertext side-channel attacks against HQC, which may have independent interest.We show a general proof-of-concept attack, where we use the Flush+Reload technique and also derive, in more detail, a practical attack on an HQC execution on Intel SGX, where the Prime+Probe technique is used. We show the exact path to do key recovery by explaining the detailed steps, using the PC oracle. In both scenarios, the new attack requires 53, 857 traces on average with much fewer PC oracle calls than the timing attack of Guo et al. CHES 2022 on an HQC implementation.
TeeJam: Sub-Cache-Line Leakages Strike Back
The microarchitectural behavior of modern CPUs is mostly hidden from developers and users of computer software. Due to a plethora of attacks exploiting microarchitectural behavior, developers of security-critical software must, e.g., ensure their code is constant-time, which is cumbersome and usually results in slower programs. In practice, small leakages which are deemed not exploitable still remain in the codebase. For example, sub-cache-line leakages have previously been investigated in the CacheBleed and MemJam attacks, which are deemed impractical on modern platforms.In this work, we revisit and carefully analyze the 4k-aliasing effect and discover that the measurable delay introduced by this microarchitectural effect is higher than found by previous work and described by Intel. By combining the rediscovered effect with a high temporal resolution possible when single-stepping an SGX enclave, we construct a very precise, yet widely applicable attack with sub-cache-line leakage resolution. o demonstrate the significance of our findings, we apply the new attack primitive to break a hardened AES T-Table implementation that features constant cache line access patterns. The attack is up to three orders of magnitude more efficient than previous sub-cache-line attacks on AES in SGX. Furthermore, we improve upon the recent work of Sieck et al. which showed partial exploitability of very faint leakages in a utility function loading base64-encoded RSA keys. With reliable sub-cache-line resolution, we build an end-to-end attack exploiting the faint leakage that can recover 4096-bit keys in minutes on a laptop. Finally, we extend the key recovery algorithm to also work for RSA keys following the standard that uses Carmichael’s totient function, while previous attacks were restricted to RSA keys using Euler’s totient function.

Program Committees

Asiacrypt 2024
Crypto 2023
Eurocrypt 2023
Eurocrypt 2022
CHES 2021
Asiacrypt 2021
CHES 2020
Crypto 2018