International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Mahdi Sedaghat

NOTE: imports for ToSC and TCHES are no longer functioning.


Threshold Structure Preserving Signatures: Strong and Adaptive Security under Standard Assumptions
Structure-preserving signatures (SPS) have emerged as an important cryptographic building block, as their compatibility with the Groth-Sahai (GS) NIZK framework allows to construct protocols under standard assumptions with reasonable efficiency. Over the last years there has been a significant interest in the design of threshold signature schemes. However, only very recently Crites et al. (ASIACRYPT 2023) have introduced threshold SPS (TSPS) along with a fully non-interactive construction. While this is an important step, their work comes with several limitations. With respect to the construction, they require the use of random oracles, interactive complexity assumptions and are restricted to so called indexed Diffie-Hellman message spaces. Latter limits the use of their construction as a drop-in replacement for SPS. When it comes to security, they only support static corruptions and do not allow partial signature queries for the forgery. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to construct TSPS without such restrictions. We start from an SPS from Kiltz, Pan and Wee (CRYPTO 2015) which has an interesting structure, but thresholdizing it requires some modifications. Interestingly, we can prove it secure in the strongest model (TS-UF-1) for fully non-interactive threshold signatures (Bellare et al., CRYPTO 2022) and even under fully adaptive corruptions. Surprisingly, we can show the latter under a standard assumption without requiring any idealized model. All known constructions of efficient threshold signatures in the discrete logarithm setting require interactive assumptions and idealized models. Concretely, our scheme in type III bilinear groups under the SXDH assumption has signatures consisting of 7 group elements. Compared to the TSPS from Crites et al. (2 group elements), this comes at the cost of efficiency. However, our scheme is secure under standard assumptions, achieves strong and adaptive security guarantees and supports general message spaces, i.e., represents a drop-in replacement for many SPS applications. Given these features, the increase in the size of the signature seems acceptable even for practical applications.
Threshold Structure-Preserving Signatures
Structure-preserving signatures (SPS) are an important building block for privacy-preserving cryptographic primitives, such as electronic cash, anonymous credentials, and delegatable anonymous credentials. In this work, we introduce the first threshold structure-preserving signature scheme (TSPS). This enables multiple parties to jointly sign a message, resulting in a standard, single-party SPS signature, and can thus be used as a replacement for applications based on SPS. We begin by defining and constructing SPS for indexed messages, which are messages defined relative to a unique index. We prove its security in the random oracle model under a variant of the generalized Pointcheval-Sanders assumption (PS). Moreover, we generalize this scheme to an indexed multi-message SPS for signing vectors of indexed messages, which we prove secure under the same assumption. We then formally define the notion of a TSPS and propose a construction based on our indexed multi-message SPS. Our TSPS construction is fully non-interactive, meaning that signers simply output partial signatures without communicating with the other signers. Additionally, signatures are short: they consist of 2 group elements and require 2 pairing product equations to verify. We prove the security of our TSPS under the security of our indexed multi-message SPS scheme. Finally, we show that our TSPS may be used as a drop-in replacement for UC-secure Threshold-Issuance Anonymous Credential (TIAC) schemes, such as Coconut, without the overhead of the Fischlin transform.