International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Anirudh Chandramouli


Perfect (Parallel) Broadcast in Constant Expected Rounds via Statistical VSS
Gilad Asharov Anirudh Chandramouli
We study broadcast protocols in the information-theoretic model under optimal conditions, where the number of corruptions $t$ is at most one-third of the parties, $n$. While worst-case $\Omega(n)$ round broadcast protocols are known to be impossible to achieve, protocols with an expected constant number of rounds have been demonstrated since the seminal work of Feldman and Micali [STOC'88]. Communication complexity for such protocols has gradually improved over the years, reaching $O(nL)$ plus expected $O(n^4\log n)$ for broadcasting a message of size $L$ bits. This paper presents a perfectly secure broadcast protocol with expected constant rounds and communication complexity of $O(nL)$ plus expected $O(n^3 \log^2n)$ bits. In addition, we consider the problem of parallel broadcast, where $n$ senders, each wish to broadcast a message of size $L$. We show a parallel broadcast protocol with expected constant rounds and communication complexity of $O(n^2L)$ plus expected $O(n^3 \log^2n)$ bits. Our protocol is optimal (up to expectation) for messages of length $L \in \Omega(n \log^2 n)$. Our main contribution is a framework for obtaining \emph{perfectly} secure broadcast with an expected constant number of rounds from a \emph{statistically} secure verifiable secret sharing. Moreover, we provide a new statistically secure verifiable secret sharing where the broadcast cost per participant is reduced from $O(n \log n)$ bits to only $O(\poly \log n)$ bits. All our protocols are adaptively secure.
Revisiting the Efficiency of Asynchronous MPC with Optimal Resilience Against General Adversaries
Ananya Appan Anirudh Chandramouli Ashish Choudhury
In this paper, we design unconditionally secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols in the asynchronous communication setting with optimal resilience. Our protocols are secure against a computationally unbounded malicious adversary characterized by an adversary structure $$\mathcal {Z}$$ Z , which enumerates all possible subsets of potentially corrupt parties. We present protocols with both perfect-security , as well as with statistical-security . While the protocols in the former class achieve all the security properties in an error-free fashion, the protocols belonging to the latter category achieve all the security properties except with a negligible error. Our perfectly secure protocol incurs an amortized communication of $$\mathcal {O}(|\mathcal {Z}|^2)$$ O ( | Z | 2 ) bits per multiplication. This improves upon the protocol of Choudhury and Pappu (INDOCRYPT 2020) with the least known amortized communication complexity of $$\mathcal {O}(|\mathcal {Z}|^3)$$ O ( | Z | 3 ) bits per multiplication. On the other hand, our statistically secure protocol incurs an amortized communication of $$\mathcal {O}(|\mathcal {Z}|)$$ O ( | Z | ) bits per multiplication. This is the first statistically secure asynchronous MPC protocol against general adversaries. Previously, perfectly secure and statistically secure MPC with an amortized communication cost of $$\mathcal {O}(|\mathcal {Z}|^2)$$ O ( | Z | 2 ) and $$\mathcal {O}(|\mathcal {Z}|)$$ O ( | Z | ) bits, respectively, per multiplication was known only in the relatively simpler synchronous communication setting (Hirt and Tschudi in ASIACRYPT, Springer, 2013).