International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Jeffrey Burdges


Delay Encryption 📺
Jeffrey Burdges Luca De Feo
We introduce a new primitive named Delay Encryption, and give an efficient instantation based on isogenies of supersingular curves and pairings. Delay Encryption is related to Time-lock Puzzles and Verifiable Delay Functions, and can be roughly described as ``time-lock identity based encryption''. It has several applications in distributed protocols, such as sealed bid Vickrey auctions and electronic voting. We give an instantiation of Delay Encryption by modifying Boneh and Frankiln's IBE scheme, where we replace the master secret key by a long chain of isogenies, as in the isogeny VDF of De Feo, Masson, Petit and Sanso. Similarly to the isogeny-based VDF, our Delay Encryption requires a trusted setup before parameters can be safely used; our trusted setup is identical to that of the VDF, thus the same parameters can be generated once and shared for many executions of both protocols, with possibly different delay parameters. We also discuss several topics around delay protocols based on isogenies that were left untreated by De Feo et al., namely: distributed trusted setup, watermarking, and implementation issues.
Two-Round Trip Schnorr Multi-Signatures via Delinearized Witnesses 📺
Handan Kilinc Alper Jeffrey Burdges
We construct a two-round Schnorr-based signature scheme (DWMS) by delinearizing two pre-witnesses supplied by each signer. DWMS is a secure signature scheme in the algebraic group model (AGM) and the random oracle model (ROM) under the assumption of the hardness of the one-more discrete logarithm problem and the 2-entwined sum problem that we introduce in this paper. Our new m-entwined sum problem tweaks the k-sum problem in a scalar field using the associated group. We prove the hardness of our new problem in the AGM assuming the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in the associated group. We believe that our new problem simplifies the security proofs of multi-signature schemes that use the delinearization of witnesses.