International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Secure Multiparty Computation from Threshold Encryption based on Class Groups

Lennart Braun , Aarhus University
Ivan Damgård , Aarhus University
Claudio Orlandi , Aarhus University
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-38557-5_20 (login may be required)
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: CRYPTO 2023
Abstract: We construct the first actively-secure threshold version of the cryptosystem based on class groups from the so-called CL framework (Castagnos and Laguillaumie, 2015). We show how to use our threshold scheme to achieve general universally composable (UC) secure multiparty computation (MPC) with only transparent set-up, i.e., with no secret trapdoors involved. On the way to our goal, we design new zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols with constant communication complexity for proving multiplicative relations between encrypted values. This allows us to use the ZK proofs to achieve MPC with active security with only a constant factor overhead. Finally, we adapt our protocol for the so called "You-Only-Speak-Once" (YOSO) setting, which is a very promising recent approach for performing MPC over a blockchain. This is possible because our key generation protocol is simpler and requires significantly less interaction compared to previous approaches: in particular, our new key generation protocol allows the adversary to bias the public key, but we show that this has no impact on the security of the resulting cryptosystem.
  title={Secure Multiparty Computation from Threshold Encryption based on Class Groups},
  author={Lennart Braun and Ivan Damgård and Claudio Orlandi},