International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Ravi Anand


Gleeok: A Family of Low-Latency PRFs and its Applications to Authenticated Encryption
In this paper, we propose a new family of low-latency pseudorandom functions (PRFs), dubbed Gleeok.Gleeok utilizes three 128-bit branches to achieve a 256-bit key size while maintaining low latency. The first two branches are specifically designed to defend against statistical attacks, especially for differential attacks, while the third branch provides resilience against algebraic attacks. This unique design enables Gleeok to offer ultralow latency while supporting 256-bit keys, setting it apart from existing ciphers dedicated to low-latency requirements. In addition, we propose wide-block variants having three 256-bit branches. We also present an application of Gleeok to short-input authenticated encryption which is crucial for memory encryption and various realtime communication applications. Furthermore, we present comprehensive hardware implementation results that establish the capabilities of Gleeok and demonstrate its competitiveness against related schemes in the literature. In particular, Gleeok achieves a minimum latency of roughly 360 ps with the NanGate 15 nm cell library and is thus on par with related low-latency schemes that only feature 128-bit keys while maintaining minimal overhead when equipped in an authenticated mode of operation.
Coefficient Grouping: Breaking Chaghri and More
We propose an efficient technique called coefficient grouping to evaluate the algebraic degree of the FHE-friendly cipher Chaghri, which has been accepted for ACM CCS 2022. It is found that the algebraic degree increases linearly rather than exponentially. As a consequence, we can construct a 13-round distinguisher with time and data complexity of $2^{63}$ and mount a 13.5-round key-recovery attack. In particular, a higher-order differential attack on 8 rounds of Chaghri can be achieved with time and data complexity of $2^{38}$. Hence, it indicates that the full 8 rounds are far from being secure. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the application of our coefficient grouping technique to the design of secure cryptographic components. As a result, a countermeasure is found for Chaghri and it has little overhead compared with the original design. Since more and more symmetric primitives defined over a large finite field are emerging, we believe our new technique can have more applications in the future research.
Analysis of RIPEMD-160: New Collision Attacks and Finding Characteristics with MILP
The hash function RIPEMD-160 is an ISO/IEC standard and is being used to generate the bitcoin address together with SHA-256. Despite the fact that many hash functions in the MD-SHA hash family have been broken, RIPEMD-160 remains secure and the best collision attack could only reach up to 34 out of 80 rounds, which was published at CRYPTO 2019. In this paper, we propose a new collision attack on RIPEMD-160 that can reach up to 36 rounds with time complexity $2^{64.5}$. This new attack is facilitated by a new strategy to choose the message differences and new techniques to simultaneously handle the differential conditions on both branches. Moreover, different from all the previous work on RIPEMD-160, we utilize a MILP-based method to search for differential characteristics, where we construct a model to accurately describe the signed difference transitions through its round function. As far as we know, this is the first model targeting the signed difference transitions for the MD-SHA hash family. Indeed, we are more motivated to design this model by the fact that many automatic tools to search for such differential characteristics are not publicly available and implementing them from scratch is too time-consuming and difficult. Hence, we expect that this can be an alternative easy tool for future research, which only requires to write down some simple linear inequalities.