Asiacrypt 2016

Asiacrypt 2016 Rump Session Program

1. Xavier Boyen “Humanly Decipherable Public-key Encryption: Yes, Really!”

2. Amir Moradi “Announcing the SKINNY cryptanalysis competition”

3. Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup “Optimal double-base chains: New speed records for single- and double-scalar multiplication”

4. Yongsoo Song “PQ Lizard, Practical Post-Quantum PKE”

5. Takeshi Koshiba “CFP for ICITS 2017″

6. Christophe Petit “Introduce our spring school on lattice-based crypto at Oxford”

7. Pierre Karpman “A Quantum Algorithm for a Variant of LWE”

Call for Submissions

Do you have breaking news, progress reports, or other topics of interest to the cryptographic community? Can you keep your talk short and entertaining? Can you tolerate a drunk audience? Then the rump session is for you!
The rump session will be held on the evening of Tuesday, December 6. To request a talk slot at the Asiacrypt 2016 Rump Session, fill out the application form below and email it to
before 6:00AM on Tuesday, December 6.

Your slides must also be sent to this email address to be compiled into a single document to be projected using the conference laptop. Please send pdf files if possible (in extreme cases we might accept ppt).

The rump session chair reserves the right to reject submissions or shorten them if it looks like the talk will be too long or boring or not funny enough. So please ensure that your talk is short and entertaining. Please keep the number of slides to less than or equal to 10.

– Send slides to the rump session email address. You cannot use your own laptop for rump session talks.
– Slides should start with a title page giving your name, institution, and title of your talk.
– There is an upper limit of 7 minutes on the length of a talk, and an upper limit of 10 slides. If you send us more than 10 slides we will remove a random selection of them without telling you.
– Conference announcements and other advertising are well served by the IACR’s online Calendar of Events and Open Positions in Cryptology web pages. However, if you want to advertise a conference or job opportunity that is especially relevant then please submit ONE SLIDE for such events.

Application form
– Speaker name
– Speaker email address
– Title of talk
– Do you have any objection to recording/live-streaming your talk (Yes/No)
– Keywords (e.g., symmetric crypto/jokes/hash functions/song/public key crypto/post-quantum paradoxes/blockchains/crypto-theme drinking game/surveillance/travel guide/cooking demonstration/etc)
– Number of minutes requested for talk: 2, 3, 5 or 7 (please select one)
– This talk is: funny/serious yet funny/mostly serious/very boring (please select one)
– Please attach a draft of your slides (it will be possible to revise the slides up to the middle of the day before the excursion).