International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 15 April 2021

Since 2015, a crypto-engineering challenge is organized every year in cooperation with CHES.

This year the CHES Challenge has two tracks:
  • A hardware security challenge: HACK@CHES 2021
  • A white-box cryptography challenge: The WhibOx Contest 2021
HACK@CHES 2021 challenges participants to discover hardware vulnerabilities in an SoC. Winners will be awarded with fame and a 2000$ cash prize. Challenge website:

The WhibOx Contest 2021 challenges participants to design and/or break white-box implementations of ECDSA. Winners will be awarded with fame and a 2000$ cash prize. Challenge website:

Spread the word and have fun!

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