International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 15 December 2014

Microsoft Research
Job Posting Job Posting
I wanted to bring your attention to the availability of post-doc research positions at MSR Cambridge.

The Constructive Security team within Programming Principles and Tools devises formal techniques and models for understanding cryptographic primitives, protocols and security critical systems, and develops related implementation technology. Our approach is informed by code-based cryptographic reasoning as well as cutting-edge language-based security and program verification. We are looking for exceptional postdoctoral research candidates to join our vibrant research community.

MSR Cambridge:

Programming Principles and Tools:

Constructive Security:

To apply for a post-doc position, use the tool here:

The deadline for completed applications and references is January 5 – do start early so your referees can upload their letters in time.

It’s a good idea to drop me (markulf (at) or Cedric (fournet (at) an email too, to let us know you plan to apply.


Additional news items may be found on the IACR news page.