International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 15 June 2014

Omar Choudary, Markus G. Kuhn
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Template attacks remain a most powerful side-channel technique to

eavesdrop on tamper-resistant hardware. They use a profiling step to

compute the parameters of a multivariate normal distribution from a

training device and an attack step in which the parameters obtained

during profiling are used to infer some secret value (e.g.

cryptographic key) on a target device. Evaluations using the same

device for both profiling and attack can miss practical problems

that appear when using different devices. Recent

studies showed that variability caused by the use of either

different devices or different acquisition campaigns on the same

device can have a strong impact on the performance of template

attacks. In this paper, we explore further the effects that lead to

this decrease of performance, using four different Atmel XMEGA 256

A3U 8-bit devices. We show that a main difference between devices is

a DC offset and we show that this appears even if we use the same

device in different acquisition campaigns. We then explore several

variants of the template attack to compensate for these differences.

Our results show that a careful choice of compression method and

parameters is the key to improving the performance of these attacks

across different devices. In particular we show how to maximise the

performance of template attacks when using Fisher\'s Linear

Discriminant Analysis or Principal Component Analysis. Overall, we

can reduce the entropy of an unknown 8-bit value below 1.5 bits even

when using different devices.


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