International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 09 December 2013

Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Job Posting Job Posting

A university-funded post-doc position is available in the RISCS center and the BU Security Group (BUsec), in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University. The successful candidates will have an established research track record in one or more of the following areas: systems security, network security, applied cryptography, or cybersecurity technology policy or law. The position is funded for one year, with an option to extend to two years based on performance and availability of funds. Tentative start date is September 2014, but earlier start dates are also possible.

The BU Security Group does research in cryptography and security within the Department of Computer Science. The BU Center for Reliable Information Systems & Cyber Security (RISCS) takes a multidisciplinary approach to security by bring together experts across several discipline. Both the group and the Center also benefit from collaboration with the vibrant cryptography, security, and tech policy community in the Boston area.


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