International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 19 December 2012

Centre for Cybercrime and Computer Security, Newcastle University, UK, EU
Job Posting Job Posting
You will join a vibrant and growing team of security researchers at the Centre for Cybercrime and Computer Security (CCCS) at Newcastle University. The aim of the project is to address one of the grand challenges in the real world: how to develop an e-voting system that is secure, dependable and usable for future elections.

This is a five-year project, supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. The initial appointments will be three years. Further extension by another two years will be possible subject to the performance and available funding. The expected starting date is 1 March, 2013 (flexible)

To apply for the posts, you need to have a PhD in Computer Science, engineering or related discipline, with a solid background in security and an excellent track record. Expertise in one of the following areas is especially desirable: cryptography, dependability and usable security.


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