International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


A New Algebraic Approach to the Regular Syndrome Decoding Problem and Implications for PCG Constructions

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Pierre Briaud , Inria Paris & Sorbonne Université
Morten Øygarden , Simula UiB
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-30589-4_14 (login may be required)
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: EUROCRYPT 2023
Abstract: The Regular Syndrome Decoding (RSD) problem, a variant of the Syndrome Decoding problem with a particular error distribution, was introduced almost 20 years ago by Augot \emph{et al.}. In this problem, the error vector is divided into equally sized blocks, each containing a single noisy coordinate. More recently, the last five years have seen increased interest in this assumption due to its use in MPC and ZK applications. Generally referred to as ``LPN with regular noise" in this context, the assumption allows to achieve better efficiency when compared to plain LPN. In all previous works of cryptanalysis, it has not been shown how to exploit the special feature of this problem in an attack. We present the first algebraic attack on RSD. Based on a careful theoretical analysis of the underlying polynomial system, we propose concrete attacks that are able to take advantage of the regular noise distribution. In particular, we can identify several examples of concrete parameters where our techniques outperform other algorithms.
  title={A New Algebraic Approach to the Regular Syndrome Decoding Problem and Implications for PCG Constructions},
  author={Pierre Briaud and Morten Øygarden},