International Association for Cryptologic Research

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15 April 2021

Shahla Atapoor, Nigel P. Smart, Younes Talibi Alaoui
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Many central banks, as well as blockchain systems, are looking into distributed versions of interbank payment systems, in particular the netting procedure. When executed in a distributed manner this presents a number of privacy problems. This paper studies a privacy preserving netting protocol to solve the gridlock resolution problem in such Real Time Gross Settlement systems. Our solution utilizes Multi-party Computation and is implemented in the SCALE MAMBA system, using Shamir secret sharing scheme over three parties in an actively secure manner. Our experiments show that, even for large throughput systems, such a privacy preserving operation is often feasible.
Fukang Liu, Takanori Isobe, Willi Meier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Rasta and Dasta are two fully homomorphic encryption friendly symmetric-key primitives proposed at CRYPTO 2018 and ToSC 2020, respectively. We point out that the designers of Rasta and Dasta neglected an important property of the $\chi$ operation. Combined with the special structure of Rasta and Dasta, this property directly leads to significantly improved algebraic cryptanalysis. Especially, it enables us to theoretically break 2 out of 3 instances of full Agrasta, which is the aggressive version of Rasta with the block size only slightly larger than the security level in bits. We further reveal that Dasta is more vulnerable to our attacks than Rasta for its usage of a linear layer composed of an ever-changing bit permutation and a deterministic linear transform. Based on our cryptanalysis, the security margins of Dasta and Rasta parameterized with $(n,\kappa,r)\in\{(327,80,4),(1877,128,4),(3545,256,5)\}$ are reduced to only 1 round, where $n$, $\kappa$ and $r$ denote the block size, the claimed security level and the number of rounds, respectively. These parameters are of particular interest as the corresponding ANDdepth is the lowest among those that can be implemented in reasonable time and target the same claimed security level.
Ryan Karl, Jonathan Takeshita, Alamin Mohammed, Aaron Striegel, and Taeho Jung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In modern times, data collected from multi-user distributed applications must be analyzed on a massive scale to support critical business objectives. While analytics often requires the use of personal data, it may compromise user privacy expectations if this analysis is conducted over plaintext data. Private Stream Aggregation (PSA) allows for the aggregation of time-series data, while still providing strong privacy guarantees, and is significantly more efficient over a network than related techniques (e.g. homomorphic encryption, secure multiparty computation, etc.) due to its asynchronous and efficient protocols. However, PSA protocols face limitations and can only compute basic functions, such as sum, average, etc.. We present Cryptonomial, a framework for converting any PSA scheme amenable to a complex canonical embedding into a secure computation protocol that can compute any function over time- series data that can be written as a multivariate polynomial, by combining PSA and a Trusted Execution Environment. This design allows us to compute the parallelizable sections of our protocol outside the TEE using advanced hardware, that can take better advantage of parallelism. We show that Cryptonomial inherits the security requirements of PSA, and supports fully malicious security. We implement our scheme, and show that our techniques enable performance that is orders of magnitude faster than similar work supporting polynomial calculations.
Ryan Karl, Jonathan Takeshita, Alamin Mohammed, Aaron Striegel, Taeho Jung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Histograms have a large variety of useful applications in data analysis, e.g., tracking the spread of diseases and analyzing public health issues. However, most data analysis techniques used in practice operate over plaintext data, putting the privacy of users’ data at risk. We consider the problem of allowing an untrusted aggregator to privately compute a histogram over multiple users’ private inputs (e.g., number of contacts at a place) without learning anything other than the final histogram. This is a challenging problem to solve when the aggregators and the users may be malicious and collude with each other to infer others’ private inputs, as existing black box techniques incur high communication and computational overhead that limit scalability. We address these concerns by building a novel, efficient, and scalable protocol that intelligently combines a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and the Durstenfeld-Knuth uniformly random shuffling algorithm to update a mapping between buckets and keys by using a deterministic cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator. In addition to being provably secure, experimental evaluations of our technique indicate that it generally outperforms existing work by several orders of magnitude, and can achieve performance that is within one order of magnitude of protocols operating over plaintexts that do not offer any security.

13 April 2021

Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 August - 26 August 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 25 August to 26 August 2021
Submission deadline: 1 May 2021
Notification: 15 June 2021
Virtual event, Anywhere on Earth, 17 August 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 17 August 2021
Submission deadline: 30 April 2021
Notification: 31 May 2021
Kamakura, Japan, 12 June - 24 June 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 12 June to 24 June 2021
Submission deadline: 12 April 2021
Notification: 1 May 2021
Darmstadt, Germany, 8 October 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 8 October 2021
Submission deadline: 20 July 2021
Notification: 30 August 2021

12 April 2021

Cesar Pereida García, Sampo Sovio
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ed25519 has significant performance benefits compared to ECDSA using Weierstrass curves such as NIST P-256, therefore it is considered a good digital signature algorithm, specially for low performance IoT devices. However, such devices often have very limited resources and thus, implementations for these devices need to be as small and as performant as possible while being secure. In this paper we describe a scenario in which an obvious strategy to aggressively optimize an Ed25519 implementation for code size leads to a small memory footprint that is functionally correct but vulnerable to side-channel attacks. This strategy serves as an example of aggressive optimizations that might be considered by cryptography engineers, developers, and practitioners unfamiliar with the power of Side-Channel Analysis (SCA). As a solution to the flawed implementation example, we use a computer-aided cryptography tool generating formally verified finite field arithmetic to generate two secure Ed25519 implementations fulfilling different size requirements. After benchmarking and comparing these implementations to other widely used implementations our results show that computer-aided cryptography is capable of generating competitive code in terms of security, speed, and size.
Benny Applebaum, Oded Nir
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A secret-sharing scheme allows to distribute a secret $s$ among $n$ parties such that only some predefined ``authorized'' sets of parties can reconstruct the secret, and all other ``unauthorized'' sets learn nothing about $s$. The collection of authorized/unauthorized sets can be captured by a monotone function $f:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}$. In this paper, we focus on monotone functions that all their min-terms are sets of size $a$, and on their duals -- monotone functions whose max-terms are of size $b$. We refer to these classes as $(a,n)$-upslices and $(b,n)$-downslices, and note that these natural families correspond to monotone $a$-regular DNFs and monotone $(n-b)$-regular CNFs. We derive the following results.

1. (General downslices) Every downslice can be realized with total share size of $1.5^{n+o(n)}<2^{0.585 n}$. Since every monotone function can be cheaply decomposed into $n$ downslices, we obtain a similar result for general access structures improving the previously known $2^{0.637n+o(n)}$ complexity of Applebaum, Beimel, Nir and Peter (STOC 2020). We also achieve a minor improvement in the exponent of linear secrets sharing schemes.

2. (Random mixture of upslices) Following Beimel and Farras (TCC 2020) who studied the complexity of random DNFs with constant-size terms, we consider the following general distribution $F$ over monotone DNFs: For each width value $a\in [n]$, uniformly sample $k_a$ monotone terms of size $a$, where $k=(k_1,\ldots,k_n)$ is an arbitrary vector of non-negative integers. We show that, except with exponentially small probability, $F$ can be realized with share size of $2^{0.5 n+o(n)}$ and can be linearly realized with an exponent strictly smaller than $2/3$. Our proof also provides a candidate distribution for ``exponentially-hard'' access structure. We use our results to explore connections between several seemingly unrelated questions about the complexity of secret-sharing schemes such as worst-case vs. average-case, linear vs. non-linear and primal vs. dual access structures. We prove that, in at least one of these settings, there is a significant gap in secret-sharing complexity.
Danilo Gligoroski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The algebraic structures that are non-commutative and non-associative known as entropic groupoids that satisfy the "Palintropic" property i.e., $x^{\mathbf{A} \mathbf{B}} = (x^{\mathbf{A}})^{\mathbf{B}} = (x^{\mathbf{B}})^{\mathbf{A}} = x^{\mathbf{B} \mathbf{A}}$ were proposed by Etherington in '40s from the 20th century. Those relations are exactly the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol relations used with groups. The arithmetic for non-associative power indices known as Logarithmetic was also proposed by Etherington and later developed by others in the 50s-70s. However, as far as we know, no one has ever proposed a succinct notation for exponentially large non-associative power indices that will have the property of fast exponentiation similarly as the fast exponentiation is achieved with ordinary arithmetic via the consecutive rising to the powers of two.

In this paper, we define ringoid algebraic structures $(G, \boxplus, *)$ where $(G, \boxplus) $ is an Abelian group and $(G, *)$ is a non-commutative and non-associative groupoid with an entropic and palintropic subgroupoid which is a quasigroup, and we name those structures as Entropoids. We further define succinct notation for non-associative bracketing patterns and propose algorithms for fast exponentiation with those patterns.

Next, by an analogy with the developed cryptographic theory of discrete logarithm problems, we define several hard problems in Entropoid based cryptography, such as Discrete Entropoid Logarithm Problem (DELP), Computational Entropoid Diffie-Hellman problem (CEDHP), and Decisional Entropoid Diffie-Hellman Problem (DEDHP). We post a conjecture that DEDHP is hard in Sylow $q$-subquasigroups. Next, we instantiate an entropoid Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. Due to the non-commutativity and non-associativity, the entropoid based cryptographic primitives are supposed to be resistant to quantum algorithms. At the same time, due to the proposed succinct notation for the power indices, the communication overhead in the entropoid based Diffie-Hellman key exchange is very low: for 128 bits of security, 64 bytes in total are communicated in both directions, and for 256 bits of security, 128 bytes in total are communicated in both directions.

Our final contribution is in proposing two entropoid based digital signature schemes. The schemes are constructed with the Fiat-Shamir transformation of an identification scheme which security relies on a new hardness assumption: computing roots in finite entropoids is hard. If this assumption withstands the time's test, the first proposed signature scheme has excellent properties: for the classical security levels between 128 and 256 bits, the public and private key sizes are between 32 and 64, and the signature sizes are between 64 and 128 bytes. The second signature scheme reduces the finding of the roots in finite entropoids to computing discrete entropoid logarithms. In our opinion, this is a safer but more conservative design, and it pays the price in doubling the key sizes and the signature sizes.

We give a proof-of-concept implementation in SageMath 9.2 for all proposed algorithms and schemes in an appendix.
Coşku Acay, Rolph Recto, Joshua Gancher, Andrew C. Myers, Elaine Shi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Modern distributed systems involve interactions between principals with limited trust, so cryptographic mechanisms are needed to protect confidentiality and integrity. At the same time, most developers lack the training to securely employ cryptography. We present Viaduct, a compiler that transforms high-level programs into secure, efficient distributed realizations. Viaduct's source language allows developers to declaratively specify security policies by annotating their programs with information flow labels. The compiler uses these labels to synthesize distributed programs that use cryptography efficiently while still defending the source-level security policy. The Viaduct approach is general, and can be easily extended with new security mechanisms.

Our implementation of the Viaduct compiler comes with an extensible runtime system that includes plug-in support for multiparty computation, commitments, and zero-knowledge proofs. We have evaluated the system on a set of benchmarks, and the results indicate that our approach is feasible and can use cryptography in efficient, nontrivial ways.
Chris Brzuska, Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Christoph Egger, Cédric Fournet, Konrad Kohbrok, Markulf Kohlweiss
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We analyze the security of the TLS 1.3 key establishment protocol, as specified at the end of its rigorous standardization process. We define a core key-schedule and reduce its security to concrete assumptions against an adversary that controls client and server configurations and adaptively chooses some of their keys. Our model supports all key derivations featured in the standard, including its negotiated modes and algorithms that combine an optional Diffie-Hellman exchange for forward secrecy with optional pre-shared keys supplied by the application or recursively established in prior sessions. We show that the output keys are secure as soon as any of their input key materials are. Our compositional, code-based proof makes use of state separation to yield concrete reductions despite the complexity of the key schedule. We also discuss (late) changes to the standard that would improve its robustness and simplify its analysis.
Michele Fabbrini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper I propose a new key agreement scheme applying a well-known property of powers to a particular couple of elements of the cyclic group generated by a primitive root of a prime p. The model, whose security relies on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms when p is a “safe prime”, consists of a five-step process providing explicit key authentication.
Daniel Brown, Neal Koblitz, Jason LeGrow
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a recent eprint, Rahman and Shpilrain proposed a Diffie-Hellman style key exchange based on a semidirect product of $n × n$-matrices over a finite field. We show that, using public information, an adversary can recover the agreed upon secret key by solving a system of $n^2$ linear equations.
Gregor Haas, Seetal Potluri, Aydin Aysu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper proposes the first cache timing side-channel attacks on one of Apple's mobile devices. Utilizing a recent, permanent exploit named checkm8, we reverse-engineered Apple's BootROM and created a powerful toolkit for running arbitrary hardware security experiments on Apple's in-house designed ARM systems-on-a-chip (SoC). We integrate two additional open-source tools to enhance our own toolkit, further increasing its capability for hardware security research. Using this toolkit, which is a core contribution of our work, we then implement both time-driven and access-driven cache timing attacks as proof-of-concept illustrators. In both cases, we propose statistical innovations which further the state-of-the-art in cache timing attacks. We find that our access-driven attack, at best, can reduce the security of OpenSSL AES-128 to merely 25 bits, while our time-driven attack (with a much weaker adversary) can reduce it to 48 bits. We also quantify that access-driven attacks on the A10 which do not use our statistical improvements are unable to deduce the key, and that our statistical technique reduces the traces needed by the typical time-driven attacks by 21.62 million.
Andreas Wiemers, Johannes Mittmann
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent publications consider side-channel attacks against the key schedule of the Data Encryption Standard (DES). These publications identify a leakage model depending on the XOR of register values in the DES key schedule. Building on this leakage model, we first revisit a discrete model which assumes that the Hamming distances between subsequent round keys leak without error. We analyze this model formally and provide theoretical explanations for observations made in previous works. Next we examine a continuous model which considers more points of interest and also takes noise into account. The model gives rise to an evaluation function for key candidates and an associated notion of key ranking. We develop an algorithm for enumerating key candidates up to a desired rank which is based on the Fincke–Pohst lattice point enumeration algorithm. We derive information-theoretic bounds and estimates for the remaining entropy and compare them with our experimental results. We apply our attack to side-channel measurements of a security controler. Using our enumeration algorithm we are able to significantly improve the results reported previously for the same measurement data.
James Howe, Thomas Prest, Daniel Apon
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Post-quantum cryptography has known a Cambrian explosion in the last decade. What started as a very theoretical and mathematical area has now evolved into a sprawling research field, complete with side-channel resistant embedded implementations, large scale deployment tests and standardization efforts. This study systematizes the current state of knowledge on post-quantum cryptography. Compared to existing studies, we adopt a transversal point of view and center our study around three areas: (i) paradigms, (ii) implementation, (iii) deployment. Our point of view allows to cast almost all classical and post-quantum schemes into just a few paradigms. We highlight trends, common methodologies, and pitfalls to look for and recurrent challenges.
Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking schemes are among the most popular countermeasures against Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks. Realization of masked implementations on hardware faces several difficulties including dealing with glitches. Threshold Implementation (TI) is known as the first strategy with provable security in presence of glitches. In addition to the desired security order d, TI defines the minimum number of shares to also depend on the algebraic degree of the target function. This may lead to unaffordable implementation costs for higher orders. For example, at least five shares are required to protect the smallest nonlinear function against second-order attacks. By cutting such a dependency, the successor schemes are able to achieve the same security level by just $d+1$ shares, at the cost of high demand for fresh randomness, particularly at higher orders. In this work, we provide a methodology to realize the second-order glitch-extended probing-secure implementation of a group of quadratic functions with three shares and no fresh randomness. This allows us to construct second-order secure implementations of several cryptographic primitives with very limited number of fresh masks, including Keccak, SKINNY, Midori, PRESENT, and PRINCE.

09 April 2021

Oleksiy Lisovets, David Knichel, Thorben Moos, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, smartphones have become an increasingly important storage facility for personal sensitive data ranging from photos and credentials up to financial and medical records like credit cards and person’s diseases. Trivially, it is critical to secure this information and only provide access to the genuine and authenticated user. Smartphone vendors have already taken exceptional care to protect user data by the means of various software and hardware security features like code signing, authenticated boot chain, dedicated co-processor and integrated cryptographic engines with hardware fused keys. Despite these obstacles, adversaries have successfully broken through various software protections in the past, leaving only the hardware as the last standing barrier between the attacker and user data. In this work, we build upon existing software vulnerabilities and break through the final barrier by performing the first publicly reported physical Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attack on an iPhone in order to extract the hardware-fused device-specific User Identifier (UID) key. This key – once at hand – allows the adversary to perform an offline brute-force attack on the user passcode employing an optimized and scalable implementation of the Key Derivation Function (KDF) on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) cluster. Once the passcode is revealed, the adversary has full access to all user data stored on the device and possibly in the cloud. As the software exploit enables acquisition and processing of hundreds of millions of traces, this work further shows that an attacker being able to query arbitrary many chosen-data encryption/decryption requests is a realistic model, even for compact systems with advanced software protections, and emphasizes the need for assessing resilience against SCA for a very high number of traces.
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