International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

All job postings
Post-doctoral researcher
Tallinn University of Technology
The Department of Computer Systems at Tallinn University of Technology invites PhD holders in Computer Science or relevant fields to apply for a post-doctoral researcher position in the NSF IMPRESS-U project titled "Hardware-Efficient Realization of UA Cryptographic Standards". Ukraine has its standardized cryptographic algorithms, namely Kalyna – block cipher and Kupyna – hash function, which are significantly dissimilar to other standardized solutions adopted by NIST in the US. For several reasons, including performance and security, hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms are sought. In this project, the partners based in US, Estonia, and Ukraine will jointly investigate how to implement these algorithms in an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) while disseminating knowledge in both directions. The Estonian partner is responsible for accomplishing three main tasks: (i) security-aware design exploration of cryptographic primitives in Kalyna and Kupyna, such as substitution and linear transformation operations; (ii) realization of design architectures targeting high performance and low power dissipation; (iii) secure design of Kalyna and Kupyna against well-known attacks, such as side-channel analysis and fault injection.
Contact: Levent Aksoy (
Last updated: 2024-03-23 posted on 2024-03-22