International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

2023 IACR Fellows

headshot of Jung Hee Cheon, 2023 IACR fellow
Jung Hee Cheon

For influential contributions to algebraic cryptanalysis and fully homomorphic encryption, as well as outstanding service to IACR and the Asia-Pacific cryptography community.

headshot of Stanisław Jarecki, 2023 IACR fellow
Stanisław Jarecki

For significant contributions to the development and standardization of distributed cryptography, as well as for service to IACR.

headshot of Marc Joye, 2023 IACR fellow
Marc Joye

For practical and theoretical contributions to applied and industrial cryptography, and for contributions to IACR.

headshot of Jesper Buus Nielsen, 2023 IACR fellow
Jesper Buus Nielsen

For fundamental contributions to cryptography and for service to IACR.

headshot of Rafael Pass, 2023 IACR fellow
Rafael Pass

For fundamental contributions to theoretical cryptography and service to the cryptography community.

headshot of Giuseppe Persiano, 2023 IACR fellow
Giuseppe Persiano

For fundamental contributions to non-interactive zero knowledge and searchable encryption, as well as for service to the cryptography community.

headshot of Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, 2023 IACR fellow
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini

For significant contributions to cryptography and its application to information security, and exemplary service to IACR and the cryptography community.