2015 IACR Fellows

Ernie Brickell
For founding the Journal of Cryptology, for industrial implementations supporting privacy, and for contributions to secret sharing, attestation, and the cryptanalysis of knapsack-based cryptosystems.

Joe Kilian
For ingenious contributions to areas including primality testing, secure computation, oblivious transfer, interactive proofs, zero knowledge, and watermarking.

Kaisa Nyberg
For fundamental contributions to the design and analysis of block ciphers, for contributions to mobile phone security, and for service to the IACR.

Tatsuaki Okamoto
For theoretical and practical contributions to areas including encryption, signatures, identification, elliptic-curve cryptosystems, zero knowledge, and electronic cash, and for service to the IACR.

Bart Preneel
For outstanding service to the IACR, for numerous research contributions, for sustained educational leadership, and for effectively leading the European cryptologic research community.

Tal Rabin
For contributions to the theory of multiparty computation, encryption, and signatures, and for leadership on cryptographic research within industry.