International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Haifeng Qian


Public-key Encryption with Keyword Search in Multi-User, Multi-Challenge Setting under Adaptive Corruptions
In the past decade, much progress has been made on proposing encryption schemes with multi-user security. However, no known work aims at constructing a Public-key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS) scheme that is secure in multi-user setting. PEKS is a well-known primitive to solve the problem of searching over encrypted data. In this paper, we fill the gap. For more realistic multi-user scenario, we consider a strong security notion. Specifically, the adversary can adaptively corrupt some users' secret keys, and can adaptively request searchable ciphertexts of related keywords under different public keys as well as trapdoors of related keywords under different secret keys. We present two multi-user PEKS schemes both under simple assumptions in the standard model to achieve this strong security notion. \text{\qquad}Technically, our first scheme is a variation of the Lewko-Waters identity-based encryption scheme, and our second scheme is a variation of the Wee identity-based encryption scheme. However, we need to prove that the presented public key encryption schemes are secure in the multi-user, multi-challenge setting under adaptive corruptions. We modify the dual system encryption methodology to meet the goal. In particular, the security loss is constant.
Registered Functional Encryptions from Pairings
This work initiates the study of \emph{concrete} registered functional encryption (Reg-FE) beyond ``all-or-nothing'' functionalities: - We build the first Reg-FE for linear function or inner-product evaluation (Reg-IPFE) from pairing. The scheme achieves adaptive IND-security under $k$-Lin assumption in the prime-order bilinear group. A minor modification yields the first Registered Inner-Product Encryption (Reg-IPE) scheme from $k$-Lin assumption. Prior work achieves the same security in the generic group model. - We build the first Reg-FE for quadratic function (Reg-QFE) from pairing. The scheme achieves \emph{very selective} simulation-based security (SIM-security) under bilateral $k$-Lin assumption in the prime-order bilinear group. Here, ``very selective'' means that the adversary claims challenge messages, all quadratic functions to be registered and all corrupted users at the beginning. Besides focusing on the compactness of the master public key and helper keys, we also aim for compact ciphertexts in Reg-FE. Let $L$ be the number of slots and $n$ be the input size. Our first Reg-IPFE has \emph{weakly compact} ciphertexts of size $O(n\cdot\log L)$ while our second Reg-QFE has \emph{compact} ciphertexts of size $O(n+\log L)$. Technically, for our first Reg-IPFE, we employ \emph{nested} dual-system method within the context of Reg-IPFE; for our second Reg-QFE, we follow Wee's ``IPFE-to-QFE'' transformation [TCC' 20] but devise a set of new techniques that make our \emph{pairing-based} Reg-IPFE compatible. Along the way, we introduce a new notion named \emph{Pre-Constrained Registered IPFE} which generalizes slotted Reg-IPFE by constraining the form of functions that can be registered.
Registered ABE via Predicate Encodings
This paper presents the first generic black-box construction of registered attribute-based encryption (Reg-ABE) via predicate encoding [TCC'14]. The generic scheme is based on $k$-Lin assumption in the prime-order bilinear group and implies the following concrete schemes that improve existing results: - the first Reg-ABE scheme for span program in the prime-order group; prior work uses composite-order group; - the first Reg-ABE scheme for zero inner-product predicate from $k$-Lin assumption; prior work relies on generic group model (GGM); - the first Reg-ABE scheme for arithmetic branching program (ABP) which has not been achieved previously. Technically, we follow the blueprint of Hohenberger et al. [EUROCRYPT'23] but start from the prime-order dual-system ABE by Chen et al. [EUROCRYPT'15], which transforms a predicate encoding into an ABE. The proof follows the dual-system method in the context of Reg-ABE: we conceptually consider helper keys as secret keys; furthermore, malicious public keys are handled via pairing-based quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge argument by Kiltz and Wee [EUROCRYPT'15].