PKC 2006

April 24-26, 2006
New York City, USA

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Call For Papers

[1-page PDF] [TXT]

List of accepted papers

Instructions for authors of accepted papers


The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) has been the main IACR annual conference focusing on all aspects of public-key cryptography. PKC has attracted papers from world-renowned scientists in the area. The Proceedings of PKC'06 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. PKC'06 will take place at Columbia University, in New York City, during the spring of 2006.

Topics of Interest:

The topics of interest are all aspects of public-key cryptography including theory, design, analysis, implementation, and applications.

Important dates:

Submission deadline:

15 November, 2005

Author Notification:

20 January, 2006

Camera-Ready Copy:

10 February, 2006

Workshop Dates:

24-26 April, 2006


Instructions for Authors:

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published in a journal or a conference/workshop with proceedings, or has submitted/ is planning to submit before the author notification deadline (January 20th, 2006) to other conferences/workshops that have proceedings. Parallel submissions will be rejected from all places they have been submitted to, and further actions may be taken!

A sharp limit of 15 pages, not including references and appendices, in standard LNCS format (see LNCS author instructions) is placed on all submissions. The paper should be intelligible and self contained without appendices, as committee members are not required to read appendices. The submission receipt deadline is November 15, 2005, 5:59pm EST. The paper must be fully anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. The paper must start with a title, an abstract, and keywords. It should be followed by a succinct statement appropriate for a non-specialist reader, specifying the subject addressed, its background, the main results, and their significance. Technical details directed to the specialist should then follow. If accepted, one of the authors is expected to present the paper at the workshop. Submissions not meeting the guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Program Committee:

Masayuki Abe, NTT Japan

Kenny Paterson, Royal Holloway, U. of London, UK

Feng Bao, I2R, Singapore

Giuseppe Persiano, University of Salerno, Italy

Paulo Barreto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Benny Pinkas, Haifa University, Israel

Amos Beimel, Ben Gurion University, Israel

Leonid Reyzin, Boston University, USA

Xavier Boyen, Voltage Technology, USA

Kazue Sako, NEC Japan

Jean-Sebastien Coron, University of Luxembourg

Alice Silverberg, U. C. Irvine, USA

Serge Fehr, CWI, The Netherlands

Jessica Staddon, PARC, USA

Pierre-Alain Fouque, ENS Paris, France

Ron Steinfeld, Macquarie University, Australia

Juan Garay, Bell Labs, USA

Edlyn Teske, University of Waterloo, Canada

Rosario Gennaro, IBM Research, USA

Wen-Guey Tzeng, NCTU, Taiwan

Nick Howgrave-Graham, NTRU Cryptosystems, USA

Susanne Wetzel, Stevens Institute, USA

Dong Hoon Lee, Korea University, Korea

Xiayun Wang, Shandong University, China

Wenbo Mao, HP Labs, China

Yiqun Lisa Yin, Independent Consultant, USA

Alexander May, Paderborn University, Germany

Adam Young, Mitre, USA

David Naccache, ENS, France

Moti Yung, RSA Labs and Columbia U., USA

Rafail Ostrovsky, UCLA, USA

Conference Organizing Committee:

Conference and Program Committee Chair:

Moti Yung, RSA Labs and Columbia University, USA

General Chair and Local Arrangements Chair:

Tal Malkin, Columbia University, USA

General Chair and Sponsorship Chair:

Yevgeniy Dodis, New York University, USA

Publicity and Publication Chair:

Aggelos Kiayias, University of Connecticut, USA