Asiacrypt 2002 - Register early!

For those of you who intend to go to Asiacrypt 2002 in Queenstown, New Zealand this year, this is a reminder that you need to register very soon. Travel to this part of the world is difficult at the best of times but on short notice it is almost impossible. Waiting until the last possible minute is an option that you may regret.

Why come to Asiacrypt 2002 ?

The most important part of any conference is the quality, relevance and timeliness of the papers. Asiacrypt 2002 has received 175 submissions - a record. The result was a larger reservoir of great papers - 35 have been selected and the quality is excellent. As host we have done everything in our power to make this conference a memorable one that will be talked about for years. Have a look at the programme. Don't miss this one - register today!

Have a look at our program at the Asiacrypt 2002 web site: .

Dr. Henry B. Wolfe - Chairman Asiacrypt 2002
Associate Professor
Computer Security & Forensics
Information Science Department
School of Business
University of Otago
Corner of Clyde & Union Streets
P.O. Box 56
New Zealand

Tel: (+64 3) 479-8141
Fax: (+64 3) 479-8311

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