EUROCRYPT '96 Rump Session
May 12-16, 1996
Zaragoza, Spain

The following is a list of presentations given at the Eurocrypt '96 rump session. Some of the papers are now available online. The session was run by Andy Clark.

19:30-19:32 Introduction to the Rump Session (rules of engagement) and the Zaragoza Human Knapsack Problem (Clark)
19:32-19:39 Verifiable Cryptographic Time Capsules: A new approach to key escrow (Bellare/Goldwasser)
19:40-19:47 A space/time trade-off in exhaustive search attacks on stream ciphers Babbage
19:48-19:55 A method for approximating the actual key size Dawson/Gustafson
19:56-20:03 Reducing the elliptic cure cryptosystem of Meyer-Muller to the cryptosystem of Wiliams-Rabin Joye/Quisquater
20:04-20:11 Proactice RSA Frankel/Gemmel/MacKenzie/Yung
20:11-20:39 Break for food and drink and view posters for product announcements, etc.
20:39-20:46 Cryptanalysis of MD5 Compress Preneel for Dobbertin
20:47-20:54 On Shamir's unbalanced RSA cryptosystem Gupta
20:55-21:02 Further results about RSA signatures using redundancy Girault
21:03-21:10 A class of one-way functions necessary and sufficient for secure key agreement Levy-ditVehel/Naccache
21:11-21:18 Non-existence of an efficient universal cryptanalytic attack Colbert
21:19-21:26 Efficient colour visual encryption (or "Shared colors of Benetton") Rijmen/Preneel
21:27-21:29 An observation on the Schwenk-Eisfeld public-key encryption scheme Desmedt/Franklin
21:29Closing remarks (solutions to the Zaragoza Human Knapsack Problem

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