IACR 2006 Election

The 2006 election will contain two sections, a policy change to anonymity and the normal election of directors. Members should expect their ballots to arrive by October 31, and return their ballots by December 1st. A sample ballot is here .

Anonymity Policy

The question of anonymity will be put forward to the membership on the ballot in the following form.

Please choose between the following two IACR policy options to take effect as of July 1, 2007.

Election of Directors

The three directors whose terms are expiring are:

The eight candidates running for the three open director positions are:

The winning candidates' terms will expire on 31 December 2009.

Candidate Statements

Josh Benaloh :

I have served on the IACR Board for the past eight years -- the first six as IACR secretary and the past two as General Chair of Crypto 2006. I seek the opportunity to continue serving in an at-large position. Please see http://research.microsoft.com/crypto/benaloh/iacr.html for a more complete statement. Thank you.

Longer statement: http://research.microsoft.com/crypto/benaloh/iacr.html

Home page: http://research.microsoft.com/crypto/benaloh

Tom Berson :

I have served IACR since 1983 as Secretary, Treasurer, President, and Director. During that time we created conferences, cryptologic literature, and community. Our present challenges include maintaining balance and tolerance in the evolving community. I know where we have been; I know where we are going. Please vote for me.

Longer statement: http://www.anagram.com/vote

Home page: http://www.anagram.com/berson

Jovan Golić :

Many of you know me for research in cryptography in the last two decades. Due to increasing numbers of submissions, the quality of the reviewing process of IACR-sponsored conferences/workshops has been deteriorating seriously. My main objective is to improve the situation and make the process fair, accountable, and transparent.

Lars R. Knudsen :

I want more papers accepted at Crypto, Eurocrypt and Asiacrypt. Skip the free Tuesday afternoon, extend the conferences until Friday noon, rump session Thursday evening. I propose for next by-laws update to have the rule that a director can serve for at most three periods (not counting Officers positions).

Longer statement: http://www2.mat.dtu.dk/people/Lars.R.Knudsen/iacr.html

Home page: http://www.ramkilde.com/iacr.html

Arjen Lenstra :

Continue support of scientific status and relevance of IACR activities, keep working on more affordable registration fees.

Anna Lysyanskaya :

The IACR is my home research community, and I'd like to give back. My priorities are:

I promise to approach all issues with enthusiasm and an open mind.

Longer statement: http://www.cs.brown.edu/~anna/iacr-election.html

Home page: http://www.cs.brown.edu/~anna

David Naccache :

   d7e098bf 4a3be052 71e01c71 7933bf0c b7fde090 ce71d63b fd0ce0de
   2b0ce00c 98bf0ce0 715ae01c 71b75279 e033a7e0 de3bed0c e00c71e0
   983b1490 e0712bce e0bfeded 71fdb7bf 0cb77152 e01c3b4a 3b147190
   e0bf521c e0ce2b52 e0ed3371 710c9814 a792e02c 98bf52f5 ede05a71
   cee04a71 0cb75279 e05a71ce e0333b92

Home page: http://www.di.ens.fr/DavidNaccache.html

Serge Vaudenay :

I would like to work on

Home page: http://lasecwww.epfl.ch/~vaudenay

The information at this site is Copyright 2006 , International Association for Cryptologic Research .