EuroCrypt 2012

Stipends for Young Researchers

On this page we will detail the details for support for young researchers as they become available. Please contact the General Chair if you would like to be considered for a stipend.

All stipends have now been allocated. The only ones which will now become available are if existing awardees decline our offer.

Student Speakers

Any student presenting a paper will have their registration fee waived, via funds provided by the Marconi Foundation. If you fall into this category please contact the General Chair, giving the contact details of your supervisor.

Qualcomm Stipends

Due to the long standing support of the IACR by Qualcomm we are able to offer free registration and possibly (depending on the number of requests) support for travel and accommodation to a number of students and young researchers who would otherwise find it hard to attend the conference. Please ask your PhD supervisor or Head of Department to contact the General Chair if you would like to be considered for this support.

If you wish to be considered for a Qualcomm stipend please email the General Chair by Jan 31st 2012.

CESG Stipends

We are also able to support a number of stipends (registration, and possibly accomodation) for young researchers working in UK Universities. This is due to the generous support of CESG, and is part of a national initiative to improve Information Security awareness and expertise in the UK. Please contact the General Chair if you would like to be considered, stating whether you would like support only for registration or also for accomodation.

If you wish to be considered for a CESG stipend please email the General Chair by Jan 31st 2012.


general chair:

Nigel Smart
Dept Computer Science
University of Bristol
Merchant Venturers Building
Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UB
United Kingdom
program chairs:

David Pointcheval
45, rue d'Ulm
75230 PARIS Cedex 05
Thomas Johansson
Lund University
Box 118
SE-221 00 Lund