International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 24 November 2015

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After some discussion with my colleagues, we suspect that the proposed scheme is not transcript secure as it is vulnerable against the averaging attack from Gentry-Szydlo: see section 4.3 from A message m is hashed into a ring element c. Then the signature is \\sigma = s*c+p*e over the ring, where s is the signing key, p is a small modular and e is the error follows Gaussian distribution. If you have enough pairs of (c_i, \\sigma_i = s*c_i+p*e_i) you can compute \\sum sigma_i and expect (\\sum e_i) to be close to 0. This is because e_i follows Gaussian distribution, so when you add a lot of samples from Gaussian distribution, you expect the sum to be very focused on 0. So the attacker knows both \\sum c_i and \\sum sigma_i = s*(\\sum c_i) with a non-negligible probability. Let Sigma = \\sum sigma_i and C = \\sum c_i. The pair of (Sigma, C) allows an attacker to forge a signature for a given message m\'. The attacker do the following: 1. c\' = hash(m\') 2. t = c\'/C 3. sigma\' = Sigma * t + p*e Then (c\', sigma\') is a valid signature satisfying verification formula: a*sigma\' = b * c\' mod p Zhenfei Zhang Security Innovation From: 2015-24-11 19:21:31 (UTC)

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