International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 13 October 2014

Ignacio Cascudo, Ivan Damgård, Bernardo David, Irene Giacomelli, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Roberto Trifiletti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose the first UC secure commitment scheme with (amortized) computational complexity linear in the size of the string committed to. After a preprocessing phase based on oblivious transfer, that only needs to be done once and for all, our scheme only requires a pseudorandom generator and a linear code with efficient encoding. We also construct an additively homomorphic version of our basic scheme using VSS. Furthermore we evaluate the concrete efficiency of our schemes and show that the amortized computational overhead is significantly lower than in the previous best constructions. In fact, our basic scheme has amortised concrete efficiency comparable with previous protocols in the Random Oracle Model even though it is constructed in the plain model.


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