International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 22 May 2014

Jake Longo Galea, Daniel Martin, Elisabeth Oswald, Daniel Page, Martijn Stam
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recently, Standaert et al. (Crypto\'13) advocated the notion of simulatable leakage

as a means to connect theoretical leakage resilience to practice.

They argued that using simulators based on actual physical devices, the

assumptions underlying their proofs of side channel resistance

become empirically `verifiable\' as evaluation labs can scrutinise the indistinguishability

of the simulator by actually `playing\' the games that involve real versus simulated leakage.

Standaert \\emph{et al.} proposed a concrete, block cipher based instantiation of a leakage

resilient pseudorandom generator. They provided a high level definition of a simulator based

on splicing two partial traces, and included detailed reasoning why their simulator (for AES-128) would resist state-of-the-art side channel attacks.

We exhibit a distinguisher against their simulator, thereby falsifying their hypothesis.

We demonstrate the efficacy of our distinguishing technique by experimental validation

using concrete implementations of the Standaert \\emph{et al.} simulator on several different platforms.

Our successful analysis is based on `tracking\' consistency (and likewise spotting simulator

inconsistencies) in leakage traces by means of cross correlation.

By taking the cross correlation between trace points, we can estimate real-or-simulated based either on a single key that is used multiple times, or based on multiple runs of

Standaert\'s \\emph{et al.} security game with varying keys each used only once.

Since the game hybridizes (in the number of keys used), the latter implies that theoretically

our distinguisher already wins when a single key is used with a single trace of side channel leakage!

Finally, we propose several alternative simulators, based on splitting traces at points of low intrinsic cross-correlation, which are more promising w.r.t.~the cross-correlation distinguisher. Unfortunately, these new simulators come with significant caveats, and we conclude that the most natural way of producing simulated leakage is by using the underlying construction `as is\' (but with a random key).

Provided the actual implementation has a low signal-to-noise ratio, we believe it practically infeasible to distinguish between real and simulated traces: when only a few very noisy leakages are made available to an attacker, signal processing techniques that rely on having sufficient observations are not applicable.


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