International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research

IACR News item: 24 October 2013

Antonio Marcedone, Claudio Orlandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Circular security is an important notion for public-key encryption schemes and is needed by several cryptographic protocols. In circular security the adversary is given an extra ``hint\'\' consisting of a cycle of encryption of secret keys i.e., (E_{pk_1}(sk_2),..., E_{pk_n}(sk_1)). A natural question is whether every IND-CPA encryption scheme is also circular secure. It is trivial to see that this is not the case when n=1. In 2010 a separation for n=2 was shown by [ABBC10,GH10] under standard assumptions in bilinear groups.

In this paper we finally settle the question showing that for every $n$ there exist an IND-CPA secure scheme which is not n-circular secure. Our result relies on the recent progress in program obfuscation.


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