International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Homomorphic One-Way Function Trees and Application in Collusion-Free Multicast Key Distribution

Jing Liu
Bo Yang
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Abstract: Efficient multicast key distribution (MKD) is essential for secure multicast communications. Although Sherman et al. claimed that their MKD scheme — OFT (One-way Function Tree) achieves both perfect forward and backward secrecy, several types of collusion attacks on it still have been found. Solutions to prevent these attacks have also been proposed, but at the cost of a higher communication overhead. In this paper, we prove falsity of a recently-proposed necessary and sufficient condition for existence of collusion attack on the OFT scheme by a counterexample and give a new necessary and sufficient condition for nonexistence of any type of collusion attack on it. We extend the notion of OFT to obtain a new type of cryptographic construction — homomorphic one-way function tree (HOFT). We propose two graph operations on HOFTs, tree product as well as tree blinding, and prove that both are structure-preserving. We provide algorithms for adding/removing leaf nodes in a HOFT by performing a tree product of the HOFT and a corresponding incremental tree. Employing HOFTs and related algorithms, we provide a collusion-free MKD scheme, which has not only the same leave-rekeying communication efficiency as the original OFT scheme, but also even better join-rekeying communication efficiency.
  title={Homomorphic One-Way Function Trees and Application in Collusion-Free Multicast Key Distribution},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={Multicast key distribution, One-way function tree, Homomorphism, Collusion},
  note={Unpublished 14849 received 1 Aug 2010, last revised 28 Aug 2010},
  author={Jing Liu and Bo Yang},