International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Efficient chosen ciphertext secure PKE scheme with short ciphertext

Xianhui Lu
Xuejia Lai
Dake He
Guomin Li
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Abstract: Kurosawa and Matsuo\cite{Kurosawa20042} showed that MAC can be removed from DHIES while the underlying symmetric-key encryption(SKE) scheme is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks(IND-CCA). We construct a variant of DHIES which eliminate the MAC while the SKE scheme is secure against passive attacks(IND-PA). Since IND-PA is the basic requirement of SKE schemes, the new scheme is more flexible than \cite{Kurosawa20042}. Our new scheme can be seen as a combination of a tag-KEM \cite{Abe2005} and a DEM. Our construction offers the first tag-KEM with single element. When the hash function $H$ in the ODH assumption is a non-malleable hash function we can prove that the new scheme is IND-CCA secure under the ODH assumption.
  title={Efficient chosen ciphertext secure PKE scheme with short ciphertext},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={PKE, DHIES, tag-KEM, IND-PA},
  note={ 13865 received 2 Jun 2007, last revised 17 Dec 2007},
  author={Xianhui Lu and Xuejia Lai and Dake He and Guomin Li},