International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Design of near-optimal pseudorandom functions and pseudorandom permutations in the information-theoretic model

Jacques Patarin
Paul Camion
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Abstract: In this paper we will extend the Benes and Luby-Rackoff constructions to design various pseudo-random functions and pseudo-random permutations with near optimal information-theoretic properties. An example of application is when Alice wants to transmit to Bob some messages against Charlie, an adversary with unlimited computing power, when Charlie can receive only a percentage $\tau$ of the transmitted bits. By using Benes, Luby-Rackoff iterations, concatenations and fixing at 0 some values, we will show in this paper how to design near optimal pseudo-random functions for all values of $\tau$. Moreover we will show how to design near optimal pseudo-random permutations when $\tau$ can have any value such that the number of bits obtained by Charlie is smaller than the square root of all the transmitted bits.
  title={Design of near-optimal pseudorandom functions and pseudorandom permutations in the information-theoretic model},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={foundations / pseudorandom functions, pseudorandom permutations, unconditional security, information-theoretic primitive, design of keyed hash functions},
  note={ 12915 received 12 May 2005},
  author={Jacques Patarin and Paul Camion},