International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Practical Cryptography in High Dimensional Tori

Marten van Dijk
Robert Granger
Daniel Page
Karl Rubin
Alice Silverberg
Martijn Stam
David Woodruff
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Abstract: At Crypto 2004, van Dijk and Woodruff introduced a new way of using the algebraic tori T_n in cryptography, and obtained an asymptotically optimal n/phi(n) savings in bandwidth and storage for a number of cryptographic applications. However, the computational requirements of compression and decompression in their scheme were impractical, and it was left open to reduce them to a practical level. We give a new method that compresses orders of magnitude faster than the original, while also speeding up the decompression and improving on the compression factor (by a constant term). Further, we give the first efficient implementation that uses T_30, compare its performance to XTR, CEILIDH, and ECC, and present new applications. Our methods achieve better compression than XTR and CEILIDH for the compression of as few as two group elements. This allows us to apply our results to ElGamal encryption with a small message domain to obtain ciphertexts that are 10% smaller than in previous schemes.
  title={Practical Cryptography in High Dimensional Tori},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={public-key cryptography / torus-based cryptography, discrete logarithm problem},
  note={Proceedings of Eurocrypt '05 12855 received 12 Dec 2004, last revised 13 Mar 2005},
  author={Marten van Dijk and Robert Granger and Daniel Page and Karl Rubin and Alice Silverberg and Martijn Stam and David Woodruff},