International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


A New Forward Secure Signature Scheme

Bo Gyeong Kang
Je Hong Park
Sang Geun Hahn
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Abstract: In this paper, we present two forward secure signature schemes based on gap Diffie-Hellman groups and prove these schemes to be secure in the sense of slightly stronger security notion than that by Bellare and Miner in the random oracle model. Both schemes use the same key update strategy as the encryption scheme presented by Canetti, Halevi and Katz. Hence, our schemes outperform the previous tree-based forward secure signature scheme by Bellare and Miner in the key generation and key update time, which are only constant in the number of time periods. Specifically, we describe a straightforward scheme following from the encryption scheme, and then improve its efficiency for signature verification algorithm which needs only 3 pairing computations independent of the total time periods.
  title={A New Forward Secure Signature Scheme},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={public-key cryptography / forward security, digital signature, bilinear map, CDH},
  note={ 12629 received 30 Jul 2004},
  author={Bo Gyeong Kang and Je Hong Park and Sang Geun Hahn},