International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Analysis of the GHS Weil Descent Attack on the ECDLP over Characteristic Two Finite Fields of Composite Degree

Markus Maurer
Alfred Menezes
Edlyn Teske
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Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the Gaudry-Hess-Smart (GHS) Weil descent attack on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) for elliptic curves defined over characteristic two finite fields of composite extension degree. For each such field $F_{2^N}$, $N \in [100,600]$, we identify elliptic curve parameters such that (i) there should exist a cryptographically interesting elliptic curve $E$ over $F_{2^N}$ with these parameters; and (ii) the GHS attack is more efficient for solving the ECDLP in $E(F_{2^N})$ than for solving the ECDLP on any other cryptographically interesting elliptic curve over $F_{2^N}$. We examine the feasibility of the GHS attack on the specific elliptic curves over $F_{2^{176}}$, $F_{2^{208}}$, $F_{2^{272}}$, $F_{2^{304}}$, and $F_{2^{368}}$ that are provided as examples inthe ANSI X9.62 standard for the elliptic curve signature scheme ECDSA. Finally, we provide several concrete instances of the ECDLP over $F_{2^N}$, $N$ composite, of increasing difficulty which resist all previously known attacks but which are within reach of the GHS attack.
  title={Analysis of the GHS Weil Descent Attack on the ECDLP over Characteristic Two Finite Fields of Composite Degree},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={public-key cryptography / elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, Weil descent attack},
  note={Full version of a paper to appear in the Indocrypt 2001 proceedings 11607 received 12 Oct 2001},
  author={Markus Maurer and Alfred Menezes and Edlyn Teske},