International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Security and Composition of Multi-party Cryptographic Protocols

Ran Canetti
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Abstract: We present general definitions of security for multiparty cryptographic protocols and show that, using these definitions, security is preserved under a natural composition method. The definitions follow the general paradigm of known definitions; yet some substantial modifications and simplifications are introduced. In particular, `black-box simulation' is no longer required. The composition method is essentially the natural `subroutine substitution' method suggested by Micali and Rogaway. We first present the general definitional approach. Next we consider several settings for multiparty protocols. These include the cases of non-adaptive and adaptive adversaries, as well as the information-theoretic and the computational models.
  title={Security and Composition of Multi-party Cryptographic Protocols},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={Multiparty cryptographic protocols, security of protocols, secure composition of protocols.},
  note={Appeared in the THEORY OF CRYPTOGRAPHY LIBRARY and has been included in the ePrint Archive. 10500 received June 4th, 1998. Revised July 6, 1998. Re-revised January 3, 1999. Re-re-revised August 1999.},
  author={Ran Canetti},