International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Papers from EPRINT 1996

Collision-Free Hashing from Lattice Problems
Recently Ajtai described a construction of one-way functions whose security is equivalent to the difficulty of some well known approximation problems in lattices. We show that essentially the same construction can also be used to obtain collision-free hashing.
Deniable Encryption
Consider a situation in which the transmission of encrypted messages is intercepted by an adversary who can later ask the sender to reveal the random choices (and also the secret key, if one exists) used in generating the ciphertext, thereby exposing the cleartext. An encryption scheme is <B>deniable</B> if the sender can generate `fake random choices' that will make the ciphertext `look like' an encryption of a different cleartext, thus keeping the real cleartext private. Analogous requirements can be formulated with respect to attacking the receiver and with respect to attacking both parties. In this paper we introduce deniable encryption and propose constructions of schemes with polynomial deniability. In addition to being interesting by itself, and having several applications, deniable encryption provides a simplified and elegant construction of <B>adaptively secure</B> multiparty computation.
Linear Zero-Knowledge - A note on Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Arguments
We present a zero-knowledge proof system for any NP language L, which allows showing that x is in L using communication corresponding to $O(|x| sup c)+k$ bit commitments, with error probability $2 sup -k$, and where c is a constant depending only on L. The proof can be based on any bit commitment scheme with a particular set of properties. We suggest an efficient implementation based on factoring. The protocol allows showing that a Boolean formula of size n is satisfiable, with error probability $2 sup -n$, using O(n) commitments. This is the first protocol for SAT that is linear in this sense.<br> [The rest of the abstract was truncated and appears below -- the library.]
Oblivious Transfers and Intersecting Codes
Assume A owns t secret k-bit strings. She is willing to disclose one of them to B, at his choosing, provided he does not learn anything about the other strings. Conversely, B does not want A to learn which secret he chose to learn. A protocol for the above task is said to implement One-out-of-t String Oblivious Transfer. An apparently simpler task corresponds to the case k=1 and t=2 of two one-bit secrets: this is known as One-out-of-two Bit OT. We address the question of implementing the former assuming the existence of the later. In particular, we prove that the general protocol can be implemented from O(tk) calls to One-out-of-two Bit OT. This is optimal up to a small multiplicative constant. Our solution is based on the notion of self-intersecting codes. Of independent interest, we give several efficient new constructions for such codes. Another contribution of this paper is a set of information-theoretic definitions for correctness and privacy of unconditionally-secure oblivious transfer.
On Monotone Function Closure of Statistical Zero-Knowledge
Assume we are given a language L with an honest verifier perfect zero-knowledge proof system. Assume also that the proof system is an Arthur-Merlin game with at most 3 moves. The class of such languages includes all random self-reducible language, and also any language with a perfect zero-knowledge non-interactive proof. We show that such a language satisfies a certain closure property, namely that languages constructed from L by applying certain monotone functions to statements on membership in L have perfect zero-knowledge proof systems. The new set of languages we can build includes L itself, but also for example languages consisting of n words of which at least t are in L. A similar closure property is shown to hold for the complement of L and for statistical zero-knowledge. The property we need for the monotone functions used to build the new languages is that there are efficient secret sharing schemes for their associated access structures. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) all monotone functions with polynomial size monotone formulas.
On the Construction of Pseudo-Random Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited
Luby and Rackoff showed a method for constructing a pseudo-random permutation from a pseudo-random function. The method is based on composing four (or three for weakened security) so called Feistel permutations each of which requires the evaluation of a pseudo-random function. We reduce somewhat the complexity of the construction and simplify its proof of security by showing that two Feistel permutations are sufficient together with initial and final pair-wise independent permutations. The revised construction and proof provide a framework in which similar constructions may be brought up and their security can be easily proved. We demonstrate this by presenting some additional adjustments of the construction that achieve the following: 1. Reduce the success probability of the adversary. 2. Provide a construction of pseudo-random permutations with large input size using pseudo-random functions with small input size. 3. Provide a construction of a pseudo-random permutation using a single pseudo-random function.
On the Contrast in Visual Cryptography Schemes
A visual cryptography scheme is a method to encode a secret image SI into shadow images called shares such that certain qualified subsets of shares enable the ``visual'' recovery of the secret image. The ``visual'' recovery consists of xeroxing the shares onto transparencies, and then stacking them. The shares of a qualified set will reveal the secret image without any cryptographic computation. In this paper we analyze the contrast of the reconstructed image in k out of n visual cryptography schemes. (In such a scheme any k shares will reveal the image, but no set of k-1 shares gives any information about the image.) In the case of 2 out of n threshold schemes we give a complete characterization of schemes having optimal contrast and minimum pixel expansion in terms of certain balanced incomplete block designs. In the case of k out of n threshold schemes with k>2 we obtain upper and lower bounds on the optimal contrast.
Private Information Storage
We consider the setting of hiding information through the use of multiple databases that do not interact with one another. Previously, in this setting solutions for retrieval of data in the efficient manner were given, where a user achieves this by interacting with all the databases. We consider the case of both writing and reading. While the case of reading was well studied before, the case of writing was previously completely open. In this paper, we show how to implement both read and write operations. As in the previous papers, we measure, as a function of k and n the amount of communication required between a user and all the databases for a single read/write operation, and achieve efficient read/write schemes. Moreover, we show a general reduction from reading database scheme to reading and writing database scheme, with the following guarantees: for any k, given a retrieval only k-database scheme with communication complexity R(k,n) we show a (k+1) reading and writing database scheme with total communication complexity O(R(k,n) * (log n)^{O(1)}). It should be stressed that prior to the current paper no trivial (i.e. sub-linear) bounds for private information storage were known.
Proactive RSA
We consider a "mobile adversary" which may corrupt all participants throughout the lifetime of the system in a non-monotonic fashion (i.e. recoveries are possible) but the adversary is unable to corrupt too many participants during any short time period. Schemes resiliant to such adverasry are called proactive. We present a proactive RSA system in which a threshold of servers applies the RSA signature (or decryption) function in a distributed manner. Employing new combinatorial and elementary number theoretic techniques, our protocol enables the dynamic updating of the servers (which hold the RSA key distributively); it is secure even when a linear number of the servers are corrupted during any time period; it efficiently "self-maintains" the security of the function and its messages (ciphertexts or signatures); and it enables continuous availability, namely, correct function application using the shared key is possible at any time.
Public-Key Cryptosystems from Lattice Reduction Problems
We present a new proposal for a trapdoor one-way function, from which we derive public-key encryption and digital signatures. The security of the new construction is based on the conjectured computational difficulty of lattice-reduction problems, providing a possible alternative to existing public-key encryption algorithms and digital signatures such as RSA and DSS.
The Graph Clustering Problem has a Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proof
The Graph Clustering Problem is parameterized by a sequence of positive integers, $m_1,...,m_t$. The input is a sequence of $\sum_{i=1}^{t}m_i$ graphs, and the question is whether the equivalence classes under the graph isomorphism relation have sizes which match the sequence of parameters. In this note we show that this problem has a (perfect) zero-knowledge interactive proof system.
Upper bound on the communication complexity of private information retrieval
Private information retrieval was introduced by Chor, Goldreich, Kushilevitz and Sudan. It is the problem of reading a bit from the database so that it remains secret which bit we need. If the database exists in several identical copies, it is possible to ask queries so that each of copies alone does not get any information about the adress of the needed bit. We construct a scheme for private information retrieval with k databases and O(n sup (1/(2k-1)) ) bits of communication.
Verifiable Partial Key Escrow
One of the main objections to existing proposals for key escrow is that the individual's privacy relies on too high a level of trust in the law enforcement agencies. In particular, even if the government is trustworthy today, it may be replaced by an un-trustworthy government tomorrow which could immediately and suddenly recover the secret keys of all users.
Visual Cryptography II: Improving the Contrast Via the Cover Base
In Eurocrypt'94 we proposed a a new type of cryptographic scheme, which can decode concealed images without any cryptographic computations, by placing two transparencies on top of each other and using the decoder's (human) visual systems. One of the drawback of that proposal was a loss in contrast: a black pixel is translated in the reconstruction into a black region, but a white pixel is translated into a grey region (half black and half white). In this paper we propose am alternative model for reconstruction with a different set of operation (which we call the ``Cover" semi-group) is proposed. In this model we are able to obtain a better contrast than is possible in the previous one. We prove tight bounds on the contrast as a function of the complexity of the scheme. We also show that for constructing k-out-n secret sharing schemes when n and k are greater than 2 the new method is not applicable.