
The official language of the symposium will be English and all papers should
     be written and presented in English. No facility of simultaneous interpretation
     will be available on site.

An oral and written declaration for baggage must be made to the customs officer
     upon entry.

Vaccination certificates are not required for admission to the Republic of Korea.
     Participants are advised to take out insurance coverage for personal accidents
     and medical expenses.

Jeju island's average temperature in December ranges from 6.5°C to 8.0°C.

  The unit of Korean currency is the Won(indicated as
£Ü). Coin denominations are
     10, 50, 100, and 500. Bank notes of 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 are frequently used.
     The exchange rate is subject to change with market fluctuations. 

  In Korea, most of buildings have outlets for 220 volts only. Occasionally, outets for
     both 100 and 220 volts are available. Always check the power supply before using
     electric equipment.

     Dial 119 for the fire and ambulance, and 112 for the police.


      Korean Foods




Galbi-gui is an excellent method for cooking short ribs according to Korean tradition.
The short ribs are marinated over-night, and grilled over a charcoal or gas fire at
the table. At restaurants, a hostess usually assists by cutting the cooked short ribs
into bite-sized pieces.



Bibim-bap is a bowl of hot rice and pan-fried meat garnished with a variety of
vegetables. As the word, 'bibim', or to 'stir together' indicates, the dish is eaten
after stirring the rice and vegetables together with a dollop of hot pepper paste
sauce. And Dolsot Bibim-bap is cooked and served in a dolsot, or a stone pot, the
insulating capacity of the stone keeps your food
 warm until the last bite.



Gimchi, or vegetables salted and fermented for long storage, is the most important
component of a Korean meal, and dates back almost a thousand years. According
to recent scientific research, gimchi is particularly rich in vitamins and minerals.
Gimchi produces natural acids during the fermentation process, which stimulate the
appetite, as well as clean the intestines with lactic acid. Gimchi comes in a variety
of flavors, depending on its main ingredients and the preparation method. There
are more than 100 types of gimchi.



Tteok is traditional Korean cake made from rice powder. Koreans prepare it for festive
occasions such as birthdays and weddings as well as for ancestral memorial services.
Hangwa or Korean Cookies are appreciated for its artistic and decorative colors and
patterns as well as for its pleasing sweet taste.

       Traditional Activities



Taegwondo is Korean traditional martial art for men and women
of all ages. It helps people keep their health through studying
the skills of defense and offense. Taegwondo has been in
existence for thousands of years and is practiced as both a
method of self-defense. Its benefits, long known by Koreans,


are being spread around the world by over 4,000 masters

who are actively teaching Taegwondo in other countries.
There are about 50,000,000 Taegwondo students all over
the world.



In the west, several traditional beverages such as hot cocoa
and hot spiced cider are popular. In Korea, green tea is the
most popular traditional beverage. From ancient times there
has been a tradition of serving green tea for guests in Korea.
The etiquette for preparing, serving and drinking tea is known
as the "Dado" tea ceremony - "Da" implies tea and "do" is the


art of making or doing something. When pouring tea into cups

after brewing, you are not supposed to immediately fill the cup.
Rather you pour a little into each cup in turn and then go around
again because the flavor and color of the tea get stronger as
time passes.



Pungmul is a grand outdoor performance of Korean folk music in
which dances, songs, and dramas are intermingled. It is roughly
equivalent to a western musical, but has very different origins
and aims. Performing pungmul expresses wishes for a rich
harvest of grain and a good catch of fish. It also promotes amity


and solidarity among villagers, while encouraging cooperation

and a sense of identity as Koreans.



As in any culture, marriage in Korea represents one of the major
stages of ones life. The traditional ceremonies surrounding the
event have deep Confucian roots, symbolizing the importance
of the families involved. Ceremonies have some differences
according to the region where they are performed and the social


status of the participants, but they all follow the same basic



       How to make international call