@inproceedings{IACR:conf/fse/Rock08, author = {Andrea R{\"o}ck}, title = {Entropy of the Internal State of an FCSR in Galois Representation}, booktitle = {FSE}, year = {2008}, pages = {343-362}, ee = {http://www.iacr.org/archive/fse2008/50860348/50860348.pdf}, crossref = {IACR:conf/fse/2008}, bibsource = {IACR, http://www.iacr.org} } @proceedings{IACR:conf/fse/2008, editor = {Kaisa Nyberg}, title = {Fast Software Encryption, 15th International Workshop, FSE 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 10-13, 2008, Revised Selected Papers}, booktitle = {FSE}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5086}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-3-540-71038-7}, bibsource = {IACR, http://www.iacr.org} }