Registrants at the first Crypto Conference

One attendee at the conference managed to save a list of people registered for Crypto '81. The list below was produced from the scan, but omits personal details about phone, address, email, etc. The proceedings are available here.

  1. Leonard Adleman, Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California
  2. Graham M. Avis, Electrical Engineering Department, Queen's University
  3. Richards W. Adrion, Computer Science Section, National Science Foundation
  4. William C. Barker, P.E. Systems, Inc
  5. Selim G. Akl, Department of Computing and Information Science, Queen's University
  6. Henry J. Beker, Racal-Datacom Ltd
  7. Hamid R. Amirazizi, Stanford University
  8. Herbert P. Bergen, Liaison Officer, Embassy of Canada
  9. Dov Andelman, Tel Aviv
  10. Thomas A. Berson, SYTEK, Inc
  11. Howard A. Birmiel, US Patent and Trademark Office
  12. Gilles Brassard, Dept. I.R.O., Université de Montreal
  13. Ian F. Blake, Dept. Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo
  14. Mengia Caflisch, Staff Scientist, R&D, Zug, Switzerland
  15. G. R. Blakley, Texas A&M University
  16. Agnes Hui Chan, The Mitre Corporation
  17. Manuel Blum, Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley
  18. David Chaum, New York university
  19. Arnon Boneh, Haifa
  20. Donald W. Davies, National Physical Laboratory, UK
  21. George M. Dawson, Department of Communications, Federal Government of Canada
  22. Doron Eidelman, RGM
  23. Richard A. De Millo, School of Info & Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
  24. William R. English, Hanscom Air Force Base
  25. Dorothy E. Denning, Computer Science Department, Purdue University
  26. Shimon Even, Computer Science Department, Technion
  27. Michael L. Dertouzos, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT
  28. Robert C. Fairfield, Bell Telephone Labs, Whippany
  29. Whitfield Diffie, BNR Inc
  30. Adam Feit, Naval Postgraduate School
  31. Edward R. Fisher, Bell Labs
  32. Oded Goldreich, Computer Science Department, Technion
  33. Morrie Gasser, Mitre Corporation
  34. Shafi Goldwasser, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, UC Berkeley
  35. Allen Gersho, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara
  36. John Gordon, Hatfield Polytechnic
  37. John T. Gill III, Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University
  38. William R. Hadley, Computer Sciences Corporation
  39. Andrew Gleason, Department of Mathematics, Harvard University
  40. Larry H. Harper, University of California, Riverside
  41. Larry Hatch, National Security Agency
  42. Ernst Henze, University of Braunschweig
  43. Ryan B. Hayward, Department of Mathematics, Queen's University
  44. Tore Herlestam, Department of Computer Engineering, University of Lund
  45. Martin Hellman, Stanford University
  46. L. John Hocking, Analytic Serices Inc (ANSER)
  47. Harry A. Helm, Defense Communications Engineering Center, Reston, VA
  48. James E. Hopkins, Burroughs Corp
  49. Paul S. Henry, Bell Telephone Lab
  50. Ingemar Ingemarsson, Linkoping Institute of Technology
  51. Chantal Jamet, Laboratoire CAS
  52. Ehud D. Karnin, Stanford University
  53. Rolf Johannesson, Department of Computer Engineering, University of Lund
  54. Richard Kemmerer, Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
  55. John P. Jordan, Bell Laboratories, Holmdel
  56. Stephen T. Kent, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc
  57. Raynold M. Kahn, Linkabit Corporation
  58. Melville Klein, National Security Agency
  59. Subbash C. Kak, Department of Electrical Engineering, Louisiana State University
  60. Martin J. Kochanski, Telesecurity Limited
  61. Gina Bari Kolata, Science Magazine
  62. Yuet Alfred Lau, Macom Labs
  63. Alan G. Konheim, IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights
  64. Louis Lauritzen, Rockwell International - CCSD
  65. John Kowalchuk, Mitre Corporation
  66. Ambroise D. Le Rest, C.C.E.T.T
  67. Leslie Lamport, SRI International
  68. Lin-Shan Lee, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
  69. Albert L. Lang, Booz, Allen & Hamilton
  70. Frank W. Lehan, System Development Corporation
  71. Stephen E. Levin, Digital Technology Inc
  72. Donald R. Morrison, Computer Science Department, University of New Mexico
  73. Tod S. Levitt, Honeywell Inc
  74. Robert L. Mortenson, Bell Telephone Laboratories
  75. Abraham N. Margolis, Defense Comm Engr Ctr
  76. J. Michael Nye, Marketing Consultants International, Inc
  77. Ralph C. Merkle, Elxsi International
  78. Raymond L. Pickholtz, Department of Electrical Engineering, George Washington University
  79. Michael Merrit, Atlanta, GA
  80. Bill Pomper, NTIA/ITS-4, US Department of Commerce
  81. Sigmund N. Porter, NCR SE-SR
  82. Ronald L. Rivest, MIT
  83. George B. Purdy, Texas A&M University
  84. Brian P. Schanning, Mitre Corporation
  85. Harry Retkin, The Hatfield Polytechnic
  86. Adi Shamir, Weizmann Institute of Science
  87. Douglas Reudink, Bell Labs
  88. Theodore M. Shema, Booz, Allen, & Hamilton
  89. Justin Reyneri, Stanford University
  90. Alan T. Sherman, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
  91. Gustavus J. Simmons, Sandia National Laboratories
  92. Janet T. Vasak, Booz, Allen & Hamilton
  93. Miles E. Smid, National Bureau of Standards
  94. Stephen B. Weinstein, American Express
  95. Dean Smith, Vashon, WA
  96. Clark Weissman, System Development Corporation
  97. Brian D. Snow, National Security Agency
  98. Kjell-Ove Widman, Crypto AG
  99. Rodney Stewart, P.E. Systems, Inc
  100. Walter R. widmer, Gretag
  101. Hugh C. Williams, Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba
  102. Aaron D. Wyner, Bell Laboratories