IACR 2002 Election Nomination Form

Section 1 --- to be completed by nominator ---

I nominate _______________________________ for the position of IACR _________________ .


__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Name (print) Signature
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Date Address
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Email Address
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Fax Address

Section 2 --- to be completed by nominee ---

I, ___________________________________________________, accept this nomination.

Candidate's statement (max. 50 words, may also be sent by email to desmedt@cs.fsu.edu):

Optional items to appear only in the electronic version of candidate statements (may also be sent by email to desmedt@cs.fsu.edu):

__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Name (print) Signature
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Date Address
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Email Address
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Fax Address

This form must be received by mail or fax by September 16, 2002 at the address below. Receipt will be acknowledged by email.

Yvo Desmedt
Department of Computer Science
PO Box 4530
253 Love Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530

For courier service add: Palmetto Drive

Fax: +1 (850) 644-0058

(Previous versions of this document listed Tom Berson's address here, but this supersedes all previous versions.)