International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Robust Combiner for Obfuscators

Amir Herzberg
Haya Shulman
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Abstract: Practical software hardening schemes are heuristic and are not proven to be secure. One technique to enhance security is {\em robust combiners}. An algorithm $C$ is a robust combiner for specification $S$, e.g., privacy, if for any two implementations $X$ and $Y$, of a cryptographic scheme, the combined scheme $C(X,Y)$ satisfies $S$ provided {\em either} $X$ {\em or} $Y$ satisfy $S$. We present the first robust combiner for software hardening, specifically for obfuscation \cite{barak:obfuscation}. Obfuscators are software hardening techniques that are employed to protect execution of programs in remote, hostile environment. Obfuscators protect the code (and secret data) of the program that is sent to the remote host for execution. Robust combiners are particularly important for software hardening, where there is no standard whose security is established. In addition, robust combiners for software hardening are interesting from software engineering perspective since they introduce new techniques of software only fault tolerance.
  title={Robust Combiner for Obfuscators},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={cryptographic protocols /},
  note={ 14709 received 10 Apr 2010},
  author={Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman},