International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Using Probabilistic I/O Automata to Analyze an Oblivious Transfer Protocol

Ran Canetti
Ling Cheung
Dilsun Kaynar
Moses Liskov
Nancy Lynch
Olivier Pereira
Roberto Segala
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Abstract: The Probabilistic I/O Automata framework of Lynch, Segala and Vaandrager provides tools for precisely specifying protocols and reasoning about their correctness using multiple levels of abstraction, based on implementation relationships between these levels. We enhance this framework to allow analyzing protocols that use cryptographic primitives. This requires resolving and reconciling issues such as nondeterministic behavior and scheduling, randomness, resource-bounded computation, and computational hardness assumptions. The enhanced framework allows for more rigorous and systematic analysis of cryptographic protocols. To demonstrate the use of this framework, we present an example analysis that we have done for an Oblivious Transfer protocol.
  title={Using Probabilistic I/O Automata to Analyze an Oblivious Transfer Protocol},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={cyrptographic protocols, oblivious transfer, formal analysis},
  note={ 13560 received 9 Dec 2005, last revised 16 Feb 2007},
  author={Ran Canetti and Ling Cheung and Dilsun Kaynar and Moses Liskov and Nancy Lynch and Olivier Pereira and Roberto Segala},